Raspberry Pi

How to Install the LibreElec on the Raspberry Pi

LibreElec is a Linux distribution that is used as a home theater PC (HTPC) and is popular to run Kodi on any device like Raspberry Pi 4 or Odroid. The LibreElec is a lightweight operating system and it supports all the necessary tools like the high-quality sound and displays to run the KODI media center software.

The LibreElec can be installed on the Raspberry Pi 4 to turn it into a home theater. In this write-up, the installation method of the LibreElec has been discussed in detail.

How to install the LibreElec on the Raspberry Pi 4

To install the LibreElec on the Raspberry pi 4, we have to download the image file of the LibreElec from the official website of LibreElec, and when the file is downloaded, launch the Raspberry Pi imager (the users who don’t have the Raspberry Pi imager can download from its website):

To flash the image on the storage device, we will first choose the “Choose OS” from the prompt that appears and navigate to the location where the image file of LibreElec has been downloaded. Then we will choose the storage device either the SD card or a USB on which we have to flash the LibreElec image file:

Finally, Choose the “WRITE” button to write the image file of LibreElec on the SD card/USB and after the writing process is completed, a message will appear to remove the SD card, click on the “CONTINUE” button:

When the LibreElec image file has been successfully flashed on the storage device, we will insert that storage device in the Raspberry Pi SD card slot or USB port (depends on which storage device on which the image is flashed).  On the first boot, it may take some time so be patient and a window having a “LibreElec” logo will appear:

When the home page of Kodi is displayed, a prompt of “Welcome to LibreElec” will open, you can choose the language as we have chosen “English” and click on the “Next” button:

The next menu will display the “Hostname”, if you want to change it from the “LibreELEC” to another name, change it, else click on the “Next” button:

In the “Networking” setting, choose the Wifi to which you want to connect the Raspberry Pi 4:

A “Thank you” message will be displayed, click on the “Next” button to finish this process:

Now you are all set, simply find your favorite TV show and start watching.


For entertainment purposes,  especially to watch movies and TV shows, we can use the LibreElec distribution which is Kodi-based. In this write-up, we learned the method of Installing the LibreElec on the Raspberry Pi 4 by downloading its image from the official website of the LibreElec and flashed it on the SD-CARD/USB and ran LibreElec simply by inserting the storage devices into Raspberry Pi.

About the author

Hammad Zahid

I'm an Engineering graduate and my passion for IT has brought me to Linux. Now here I'm learning and sharing my knowledge with the world.