Raspberry Pi

How to Install Hydra on Raspberry Pi

If you think your login password is safe? You are mistaken because there are tools that can crack your password by performing a brute-force attack. Hydra is one among them, which is a fast and flexible tool used to crack your system password. This tool makes it easy for researchers or security consultants in gaining the unauthorized access to a remote system.

If you want to install Hydra on a Raspberry Pi system, follow this article’s guidelines to see different ways to install this application.

How to Install Hydra on Raspberry Pi

There are two different ways to install Hydra on Raspberry Pi, which are as follows:

Method 1: Install Hydra on Raspberry Pi Via apt Command

Hydra is a lightweight tool, which you can install from the Raspberry Pi source repository list using the following command:

$ sudo apt install hydra-gtk -y

After the installation, you can open the GUI application on your system from the applications menu in the “Internet” section.

You can check the Hydra version installed on your system from the following command:

$ hydra --version

Remove Hydra from Raspberry Pi

You can remove Hydra from Raspberry Pi packages list through the following command:

$ sudo apt remove hydra-gtk -y

Method 2: Install Hydra on Raspberry Pi Via GitHub Source

You can also install Hydra on Raspberry Pi through GitHub source using the following command:

Step 1: Install Essential Tools for Installing Hydra on Raspberry Pi

First, you should install some tools and git using the following command:

$ sudo apt install build-essential git -y

The above command ensures that these tools are installed on your Raspberry Pi system.

Step 2: Retrieve Hydra Source File from GitHub

Next, you must retrieve the Hydra source file from GitHub source using the following command:

$ git clone https://github.com/vanhauser-thc/thc-hydra.git

Step 3: Navigate to Hydra Directory

The above command puts the contents in a directory “thc-hydra” and now open this directory from the following command:

$ cd thc-hydra

Step 4: Configure Hydra on Raspberry Pi

You must perform Hydra autoconfiguration from the following command within the directory.

$ ./configure

Step 5: Prepare Hydra Installation Files on Raspberry Pi

Next, you must execute the below-mentioned command to begin preparing the files required to install Hydra on your Raspberry Pi system.

$ make

Step 6: Install Hydra on Raspberry Pi

After preparing the files, you must start executing these files using the following command to complete the installation of Hydra on your Raspberry Pi system.

$ sudo make install

After the installation, you can check the Hydra version from the following command:

$ hydra --version


Hydra is a password-cracking tool used to gain unauthorized access to a remote system. There are two methods to install Hydra on your Raspberry Pi system. Either you can install it through the “apt” command or use the GitHub platform to retrieve the file through the git command. Both these methods successfully install Hydra on your Raspberry Pi system within seconds and you can start cracking the password.

About the author

Awais Khan

I'm an Engineer and an academic researcher by profession. My interest for Raspberry Pi, embedded systems and blogging has brought me here to share my knowledge with others.