Raspberry Pi

How to Install Helm on Raspberry Pi

An open-source package manager called Helm makes it easier to administer apps on a Kubernetes cluster. It makes it simple to deploy apps and services to a standard K8s cluster that are either highly repeatable or utilized in a variety of situations. It also helps users simplifies the rollback of application deployment and ensure you can share the application to Kubernetes community as well.

Follow this guide to install Helm on Raspberry Pi system.

How to Install Helm on Raspberry Pi

To install Helm on Raspberry Pi, focus on the following steps:

Step 1: First, update Raspberry Pi repository using the following command:

$ sudo apt update

Step 2: Then you have to install snap daemon on Raspberry Pi through the following command:

$ sudo apt install snapd

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Step 3: You must also install core from snap daemon that helps install latest version of snap package on the system.

$ sudo snap install core

Note: Reboot the system if you see a snap command not found error.

Step 4: Finally use the following command on Raspberry Pi to install the Helm package manager through snap daemon.

$ sudo snap install helm --classic

You can run the following command to confirm Helm installation on Raspberry Pi:

$ helm version

For guidance how to use Helm, go and follow the help section here.

Remove Helm from Raspberry Pi

To remove Helm from your Raspberry Pi system, type the command given below on the terminal.

$ sudo snap remove helm


Helm is a packager manager for managing Kubernetes application. You can install it on Raspberry Pi from snap store, which have to be installed on your system. After the installation, it becomes easier for you to search for charts, pull or install a package through Helm on Raspberry Pi system. The remove of Helm is also simple, which you can do using the “snap remove” command with the package name.

About the author

Hiba Shafqat

I am a Computer Science student and a committed technical writer by choice. It is a great pleasure to share my knowledge with the world in which I have academic expertise.