Raspberry Pi

How to enable NTFS file system on Raspberry Pi

New Technology File System known as NTFS is the type of file system developed by Microsoft to store files in storage devices, moreover, to format storage devices like SSD, USB, and Hard disks. There are different benefits of NTFS like it secures your data by allowing you to handle the status of granting permissions of your file and folders, moreover, if there is power loss or sudden breakdown of the voltage occurs, the reliability feature of NTFS allows you to restore your data, and you can keep the log history of the modifications made to the stored data like deleting the files or editing new files.

NTFS systems are supported by different operating systems but in this guide, we will discover methods to enable NTFS on the Raspberry Pi operating system by simply running a few commands.

How to install and enable the NTFS file system on Raspberry Pi

For enabling the NTFS file system on Raspberry Pi, we have to first install the package of NTFS on Raspberry Pi which we will install after upgrading the packages of Raspberry Pi using the command:

$ sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade -y

Now we will check the availability of NTFS package in the default repository of Raspberry Pi using the command:

$ apt show ntfs-3g

This means the package is available in the repository of Raspberry Pi and can be installed using the command:

$ sudo apt install ntfs-3g -y

To confirm the installation of NTFS, we will display the installed version of NTFS using the command:

$ ntfs-3g --version

Now after making sure the NTFS has been installed, it is by default enabled and ready to accept the storage devices connected with it having an NTFS format.


NTFS is a file system that is more popular because of its offered features of security and reliability. In this article, NTFS has been installed and enabled on the Raspberry Pi operating system to accept the storage devices connected to Raspberry Pi having NTFS format.

About the author

Hammad Zahid

I'm an Engineering graduate and my passion for IT has brought me to Linux. Now here I'm learning and sharing my knowledge with the world.