
The best enchantments you should get on a crossbow in Minecraft

In Minecraft, you will face different mobs while exploring the world and you need a strong weapon for your safety and survival. There are many weapons available that should be able to do this job and one of them is the crossbow. It’s a long-range weapon that makes it beneficial while fighting with different mobs as you don’t need to come closer to kill them and you can do that from far away.

But sometimes the mobs are too strong that it will be a lot difficult for you to kill them and save yourself. This is where crossbow enchantments can help you as it provides the additional features which are lacking in an ordinary crossbow. So, in this article, we will discuss some of the best enchantments available for crossbows in Minecraft.

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How to craft a crossbow in Minecraft

You can’t enchant the crossbow if you have none so for that you need to craft a crossbow. You need one tripwire hook, three sticks, two strings, and one iron ingot and then you need to place those items in a specific order in the crafting table to get the crossbow as shown below.

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Best enchantments for crossbow

The basic specifications of a crossbow are that it has an attack damage of a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 11, it has a reload time of 1.25 seconds, and has a long-range of 150 blocks which is around 100 meters. For enchanting the crossbow, you need to have an anvil first and you can craft that by placing three pieces of iron along with four pieces of iron ingots and placing them accordingly as shown below.

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Now you need to equip the anvil from your accessories, place it anywhere on the surface, and then right-click on it to do the enchantment.

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Another thing that you need is your desired enchantment book that you can get from the librarian. Now let’s discuss some of the most useful enchantments that can bring your game to the next level.


Piercing is a crossbow enchantment that allows the player’s arrows to pass through numerous enemies, which might be quite handy if you are trying to kill multiple creatures at once. With a single arrow, you’ll be able to hit through a single opponent that will go through them to attack another enemy behind them. For this enchantment, you need to place a crossbow along with a ‘Piercing’ enchanting book inside the anvil.

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Quick Charge

As the name implies, this enchantment will aid players in reducing the time it takes for their Crossbow to reload so that a player can shoot more arrows in less time without waiting for reload. For this enchantment, you need to place a crossbow along with a ‘Quick Charge’ enchanting book inside the anvil.

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In the Multishot enchantment, you can fire three crossbow arrows at once. Even though you’re employing three crossbow bolts, it only takes one to make a single shot. So, this enchantment is more effective if you’re fighting numerous smaller adversaries or if you can get near enough to hit a larger foe with all three arrows. For this enchantment, you need to place a crossbow along with a ‘Multi-Shot’ enchanting book inside the anvil.


This enchantment will make your crossbow more durable and stronger, so it was a lot more difficult to break it compared to the normal crossbow. For this enchantment, you need to place a crossbow along with an ‘Unbreaking’ enchanting book inside the anvil.

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In Minecraft, you will face many different mobs while exploring the world and you need a strong weapon for your safety and survival. For this purpose, you can use a crossbow which is a long-range weapon that makes it beneficial while fighting with different mobs as you don’t need to come closer to kill them and you can do that from far away. But sometimes the mobs are too strong that it will be a lot difficult for you to kill them and save yourself.

About the author

Taimoor Mohsin

Hi there! I'm an avid writer who loves to help others in finding solutions by writing high-quality content about technology and gaming. In my spare time, I enjoy reading books and watching movies.