
How to Check ASCII Character in Arduino Using isAscii() Function

If you are an Arduino enthusiast or an electronics hobbyist, you might have heard about the isAscii() function of Arduino. This function is widely used in Arduino projects, and it is an essential function in the Arduino programming language. This article covers the isAscii() function syntax, parameter and return.

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What is the isAscii() Function?

The isAscii() function is a built-in function of Arduino that checks whether the given character is an ASCII character or not. ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange, and it is a character encoding system used in computers and electronic devices. The isAscii() function returns true if the given character is an ASCII character and false if it is not.

How Does the isAscii() Function Work?

The isAscii() function takes a single argument, which is the character to be checked. It checks whether the character is within the range of ASCII characters, which is from 0 to 127.

If the character is within this range, the function will give us true, indicating that the input character is an ASCII. If the character is outside this range, the function returns false, indicating that the character is not an ASCII character.


The syntax of the isAscii() function is as follows:

boolean isAscii(char c);



The isAscii() function takes a single parameter:

value: The value to be checked whether it is an ASCII character or not. This parameter can be of type char, int, byte, or unsigned int.

Return value

The isAscii() gives a Boolean output value:

    • true: If the value is an ASCII character.
    • false: If the value is not an ASCII character.

Note that the ASCII character set consists of 128 characters, including the letters A-Z, a-z, numbers 0-9, and various special characters such as punctuation marks and control characters. The isAscii() function checks if the input character lies within range or not.

Example of isAscii() Function

Here’s an example Arduino code that demonstrates the use of the isAscii() function:

void setup() {
  Serial.begin(9600);  // Start the serial communication
void loop() {
  char ch = 'H';  // Define a character variable
  if (isAscii(ch)) {  // Check if the character is ASCII
    Serial.print(ch);  // Print the character
    Serial.println(" is an ASCII character.");  // Print a message
  } else {
    Serial.print(ch);  // Print the character
    Serial.println(" is not an ASCII character.");  // Print a message
  delay(1000);  // Wait for a second

In this example, we define a character variable ch and set its value to the character ‘H’. We then use the isAscii() function to check if the input is an ASCII or not. If it is an ASCII character, we print a message saying that it is an ASCII character. If it is not an ASCII character, we print a message saying that it is not an ASCII character. We use the Serial library to show output on the Arduino serial terminal.

When you upload this code to your Arduino board and open the serial monitor, you should see the following output:

Since the character ‘H’ is an ASCII character, the isAscii() function always returns true, and the message “H is an ASCII character” is printed repeatedly every second.

Check ASCII Character in User Input Using isAscii() Arduino Function

Here’s an example Arduino code that takes user input from the serial monitor and checks if it is ASCII or not using the isAscii() function:

void setup() {
  Serial.begin(9600); // Initialize serial communication

void loop() {
  if (Serial.available() > 0) { // If there's data available in serial buffer
    char userInput =; // Read the user input
    Serial.print("Your Input Character is: ");
    if (isAscii(userInput)) { // Check if the user input is ASCII
      Serial.println("Input is ASCII"); // Print message to serial monitor
    } else {
      Serial.println("Input is not ASCII"); // Print message to serial monitor

In this code, the setup() function initializes the serial communication. The loop() function continuously checks if there is data available in the serial buffer using the Serial.available() function. If there is data available, it reads the user input using

The isAscii() function returns true if the input character is an ASCII character, and false if it is not. We pass the user input to this function to check if it is ASCII or not. If it is ASCII, it prints the message “Input is ASCII” to the serial monitor using Serial.println(). If it is not ASCII, it prints the message “Input is not ASCII” to the serial monitor using Serial.println().

We have sent a character “a” which is an ASCII character so following output will appear:

Now we have sent the character “é” (e with an acute accent), which is a non-ASCII character. So, we can see a message printed that this is a non-ASCII character on the Arduino serial terminal.


The isAscii() function is a useful function in Arduino that checks whether a given character is an ASCII character or not. It has various applications in Arduino projects, such as user input validation, data transmission, and text processing. Understanding the isAscii() function is essential for anyone who works with Arduino and wants to build Arduino based projects.

About the author


I am an Electrical Engineer. I love to write about electronics. I am passionate about writing and sharing new ideas related to emerging technologies in the field of electronics.