Raspberry Pi

How to Update Git on Raspberry Pi

Git is an open-source tool for source code management that enables users to handle small to large projects easily. It benefits users by allowing them to work as a team on the projects for non-linear development. Linux users mostly use this tool to clone source files from the GitHub website and it’s already installed on the Raspberry Pi operating system. However, if users want to update the version of Git on the Raspberry Pi system, they should follow this guide.

How to Update Git on Raspberry Pi

To install the updated version of Git on Raspberry Pi, follow the below-given steps:

Step 1: Check Git Version

Before updating Git on Raspberry Pi, check the already installed version on the Raspberry Pi system:

$ git --version

Step 2: Install Dependencies

Now, install some dependencies through the following command as these are required for the Git update process.

$ sudo apt install make libexpat1-dev gettext libghc-zlib-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev libssl-dev -y

Step 3: Download Git Source File

Visit the link here to check the updated Git version and then download the version accordingly using the following wget command:

$ wget https://github.com/git/git/archive/refs/tags/v2.39.0.tar.gz

Step 4: Extract Git Tar File

To extract the Git source file contents, use the following command:

$ tar -xf v2.39.0.tar.gz

Step 5: Setting Up Git Update Process

Navigate to the Git source file directory through the following command:

$ cd git-2.39.0

Then use the following command to build Git installation packages on Raspberry Pi:

$ sudo make prefix/usr/local all

Once the packages are built, perform the installation through the following command:

$ sudo make prefix=/usr/local install

Close the current terminal, reopen it and use the following command to confirm Git updated version:

$ git --version

At this point, Git is successfully updated on the Raspberry Pi system.


The guidelines mentioned above are helpful if users want to install an updated version of Git on a Raspberry Pi system. The users must download the source file from the GitHub website and extract the source file contents through the “tar” command. After that, they have to set up Git installation through the “make” command to update the version on the Raspberry Pi system successfully.

About the author

Awais Khan

I'm an Engineer and an academic researcher by profession. My interest for Raspberry Pi, embedded systems and blogging has brought me here to share my knowledge with others.