
What is Harbor Container Registry Integration?

Harbor is a cloud-native container registry created by VMware. It permits users to store, manage, and distribute Docker images. It includes features such as security, role-based access control, replication and mirroring, image scanning for vulnerabilities and compliance, and support for multi-tenancy. These features help developers to deploy and organize container-based applications.

This blog will illustrate:

What is Harbor Container Registry Integration?

Harbor container registry integration refers to the process of connecting Harbor to other tools or platforms. They are utilized by users such as Kubernetes, Jenkins, GitLab, or Docker Swarm, to build and deploy applications. When Harbor is integrated with other tools, its features can be used to optimize development and deployment workflow. For example, users can utilize Harbor’s image scanning and vulnerability analysis to ensure the security of images before release.

How to Integrate Harbor Container Registry With Other Tools?

Harbor container registry can be integrated with many other tools, such as:

  • Kubernetes
  • Jenkins
  • Docker
  • GitLab

Integrate Harbor Container with Kubernetes

To integrate Harbor with Kubernetes, the Kubernetes plugin or Helm charts can be used. Harbor has a Kubernetes plugin that permits users to use Harbor as a container image repository for Kubernetes. The Helm charts can also be used to deploy Harbor as an application on your cluster.

Integrate Harbor Container with Jenkins

To integrate Harbor with Jenkins, the Harbor API is used in a Jenkins pipeline to push and pull Docker images from Harbor. Users can use the Jenkins Docker plugin to interact with the Docker API and push and pull images to/from Harbor.

Integrate Harbor Container with Docker

To integrate Harbor with Docker, users can use the Docker CLI to log in, push, and pull images from Harbor. Docker Compose or Docker Swarm can also be used to deploy applications that use images from Harbor.

Integrate Harbor Container with GitLab

To integrate the Harbor container with GitLab, the GitLab CI/CD can be configured to use Harbor as a container image registry.


Harbor container registry integration refers to the process of connecting Harbor to other tools or platforms to build and deploy applications. It can be integrated with many other tools, such as Kubernetes, Jenkins, Docker, and GitLab. When users integrate Harbor with other tools, its features can be utilized to optimize development and deployment workflow. This blog explained the Harbor container registry integration and how to integrate other tools with it.

About the author

Laiba Younas

I have done bachelors in Computer Science. Being passionate about learning new technologies, I am interested in exploring different programming languages and sharing my experience with the world.