
What are the Steps to Use MySQL With Docker Compose?

MySQL is a free, lightweight RDBMS offered by Oracle Corporation that supports multiple platforms such as Windows, Docker, and many more. Docker Compose is a well-known tool for specifying and executing numerous container Docker applications. Users can easily define and configure their MySQL environment in one file with Docker Compose. Furthermore, it offers a convenient and versatile method of deploying and managing database applications.

This write-up will demonstrate the step-by-step procedure to use MySQL with Docker Compose.

What are the Steps to Use MySQL With Docker Compose?

To use MySQL with Docker Compose, follow the given-provided steps:

Step 1: Create Compose File

On Visual Studio Code, first, create a compose file named “docker-compose.yml” and add MySQL services into it:

version: '3.8'



image: mysql:latest

container_name: mySqlCont

command: --default-authentication-plugin=mysql_native_password

restart: unless-stopped




MYSQL_PASSWORD: mypassword



- my-db:/var/lib/mysql


- '3306:3306'



In the above code:

  • version” specifies the version of the Docker Compose file format that the file uses. In our case, it is “3.8”.
  • services” defines the services that need to be run with Docker Compose.
  • db” is the name of the MySQL service.
  • image” specifies the image to use i.e., “mysql:latest”.
  • container_name” defines the name of the container i.e., “mySqlCont”.
  • command” specifies the command to be run in the container.
  • restart” sets the container to automatically restart unless it is manually stopped.
  • environment” sets environment variables for the MySQL container such as user, root password, user password, database, etc.
  • volumes” set up a volume named “my-db” to persist the data in the MySQL container even if the container is deleted.
  • ports” is utilized to assign port i.e., “3306:3306”:

Step 2: Start the Compose Service

To start the MySQL services defined in the compose file, execute the given command:

docker-compose up -d

Step 3: View Running MySQL Container

After that, type out the provided command to view if the MySQL container is running or not:

docker ps

The above output indicates that the MySQL container is running successfully.

Step 4: Access MySQL Container

Next, access the MySQL container to run the Bash shell inside it using the following command:

docker exec -it mySqlCont bash

After executing the above-provided command, a Bash shell opens, and the user can execute the command within the running MySQL container.

Step 5: Connect to MySQL Server

Now, connect to the MySQL database as the root user via the below-listed command and enter the password interactively:

mysql -uroot -p

As users can see, the MySQL shell has been started.

Step 6: Run MySQL Commands

Finally, execute the MySQL commands in the MySQL container. For instance, execute the “SHOW DATABASES;” command to view all the existing databases:


In the above screenshot, all the available databases can be seen.

To select a particular database, type out the “USE <database-name>;” command:

USE testdb;

Furthermore, to create a new table in the database, utilize the “CREATE TABLE table_name (column1 <datatype>, column2 <datatype>, column3 <datatype> );” command:

CREATE TABLE Persons (PersonID int, FirstName varchar(255), LastName varchar(255), City varchar(255));

Moreover, execute the provided command to view the newly created table in the database:


The above output has displayed the “Persons” table.

We have successfully used MySQL via Docker Compose.


To use MySQL with Docker, first, create a compose file on Visual Studio code and set MySQL services. Then, start the Compose services using the “docker-compose up -d” command and view the running container. Next, access the MySQL container and connect to the MySQL server. Lastly, run MySQL commands in it. This write-up has illustrated the procedure to use MySQL with Docker Compose.

About the author

Laiba Younas

I have done bachelors in Computer Science. Being passionate about learning new technologies, I am interested in exploring different programming languages and sharing my experience with the world.