
What are the Types of Docker Networks

Docker, a popular containerization platform, provides various types of networks to facilitate communication between containers and with the external world. Understanding different types of Docker networks is crucial for anyone seeking to optimize container deployments and manage network traffic efficiently.

This article aims to explore the “Docker network types”.

What is Docker Networking?

For Docker containers to communicate with one another and the outside world using the host system, a networking layer is necessary. Each network type that Docker provides is suited to a certain use case.

Types of Docker Networks

Following are the types of Docker Networks:

1. Bridge Networks

The first type of Docker network is the “bridge” network. This is the default network that is made when Docker is installed. It allows containers on the same host to communicate with each other using IP addresses and is ideal for most use cases. Each container on the network gets its unique IP address and can be accessed using this address or the container’s name.

2. Host Networks

Unlike bridge networks, “host” networks allow containers direct access to the host network interface. Containers using host networks share the same network stack and IP address as the host, eliminating any encapsulation or isolation. This type is beneficial for scenarios requiring high network performance or services that rely on specific ports being available on the host network.

The network on the host system can be utilized if you don’t want to rely on Docker’s networking. The host driver has the drawback of not working with the Docker desktop; a Linux host is needed in order to use it.

3. Overlay Networks

The third notable Docker network is the “overlay” network. Overlay networks allow containers across multiple Docker hosts to communicate with each other. This network is achieved through Docker’s built-in distributed key-value store, enabling the automatic discovery of containers across hosts.

Overlay networks facilitate the creation of distributed applications and ensure container connectivity even in complex scenarios involving multiple hosts. This type is particularly suitable for distributed applications and scaling scenarios.

4. Macvlan Networks

Next, we have the “macvlan” network. This network type allows containers to have MAC addresses that are unique within the network, making them appear as physical devices on the network. Containers can be assigned specific IP addresses and directly communicate with external devices, just like regular physical machines. The Macvlan network is ideal for scenarios where containers require direct network access without NAT.

5. None Networks

Docker also provides a “none” network type, which essentially isolates a container from the network entirely. Containers using this network type have no access to an external network or other containers. This network is useful in certain security-sensitive scenarios, such as sandboxing or isolating a container that poses a potential threat.

How to Opt For the Right Docker Network?

Choosing the appropriate type of network depends on variables like particular application requirements, the desired level of isolation, and the need for scalability. Bridge networks offer simple isolation and are ideal for single-host deployments. Host networks provide high performance but lack isolation capabilities. Overlay networks are designed for multi-host scenarios, bringing disconnectivity and scalability benefits.

Advanced Networking Options

Apart from the basic types, Docker also supports advanced networking options such as binding containers to specific network interfaces, controlling container DNS resolution, and creating custom networks. These additional options allow for greater flexibility and customization, catering to the diverse needs of containerized applications.

Use Cases of Docker Networks

Each type of Docker network addresses specific use cases. For instance, bridge networks are commonly employed for web applications or microservices requiring internal communication. Host networks are suitable for applications demanding maximum network performance, such as high-speed data processing. Overlay networks facilitate communication between containers distributed across multiple hosts in a cluster, making them indispensable for enterprise-scale applications.

Docker networking is optional at the container level. If a container’s network is set to none, its networking stack will be completely disabled. The host’s services, the internet, and the container’s neighbors won’t be accessible to the container. Sandboxing apps that aren’t anticipated to need connectivity, increases security.


Docker offers a range of network types to cater to various deployment scenarios and requirements. These networks include “Bridge” and “Host” networks to “Overlay”, “Macvlan”, and “None” that empower users to optimize their container deployments according to specific requirements.

About the author

Hiba Shafqat

I am a Computer Science student and a committed technical writer by choice. It is a great pleasure to share my knowledge with the world in which I have academic expertise.