
What are the Steps to Create a PostgreSQL Database Using Docker?

PostgreSQL is a free-to-use relational DBMS that offers a variety of functions, data types, operators, and features. It is designed to manage complicated queries and to ensure data integrity and reliability. It supports numerous operating systems, such as Windows, Docker, and Linux. PostgreSQL is also extensible that allows users to define their own functions, operators, data types, and extensions.

This write-up will illustrate the steps to create a PostgreSQL Database using Docker.

What are the Steps to Create a PostgreSQL Database Using Docker?

To create a PostgreSQL database using Docker, follow the below-provided steps:

Step 1: Pull Postgres Image From Docker Hub

First, pull the Postgres image from Docker Hub to the local system by running the provided command in Windows PowerShell:

docker pull postgres


The above output indicates that the latest version of the Postgres image has been downloaded successfully.

Step 2: Build and Start Postgres Container

Next, build and execute the Postgres container using the Postgres image through the “docker run –name <cont-name> -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=<password> -p 5432:5432 -d postgres” command:

docker run --name postgresDB -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=pass123 -p 5432:5432 -d postgres



  • –name” option defines the name for the container i.e., “postgresDB”.
  • -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD” specifies the password to “pass123”.
  • -p” allocates the port for the container i.e., “5432:5432”.
  • -d” flag is utilized to start/execute the container in the background.
  • postgres” is the latest Postgres Docker image to use for the container:

The Postgres container has been built and started.

Step 3: View Running Postgres Container

Then, type out the given-provided command to verify whether the Postgres container is running or not:

docker ps


According to the above output, the Postgres container is running successfully.

Step 4: Access Postgres Container

Now, utilize the “docker exec -it” command along with the container name to open the Bash shell inside the running Postgres container:

docker exec -it postgresDB bash


The Postgres container has been accessed and now users can execute commands inside the running container.

Step 5: Connect to a PostgreSQL Database Server

After that, connect to the PostgreSQL database server via the provided command:

psql -h localhost -U postgres


The Postgres shell has been started. Now, users can execute SQL queries and other commands in it.

Step 6: Create a Database in Postgres

To create a database in Postgres, run the “CREATE DATABASE <database-name>;” command:



The new PostgreSQL database has been created i.e., “linuxhint”.

Step 7: View all Databases

Execute the below-listed command to display all the existing databases:



The above output has displayed the list of databases.

Step 8: Connect to a Particular Database

In order to connect to a desired database, utilize the “\c <database-name>;” command:

\c linuxhint;


The new database has been selected and we have connected to it.

Step 9: Create New Table in Database

Now, use the “CREATE TABLE <table-name>(column1 <datatype>, column2 <datatype>, column3 <datatype>,….., columnN <datatype>);” command and specify the table name, columns name, and datatype to make a new table in the selected database:



The new table has been created with some columns.

Step 10: Insert Values in Table

Then, insert some values in the table via the “INSERT INTO <table-name> VALUES (value1, value2, value3, …);” command:

INSERT INTO authors VALUES (1, 'Laiba', 23, 'Islamabad');


The above output indicates that the values have been added to the table successfully.

Step 11: Select Data From Table

Now, type out the following command to get the desired table’s data:

SELECT * FROM authors;


The data of the “authors” table can be seen in the above output.

Bonus Tip: Delete the Database

If the database is in use, the simple “DROP DATABASE <database-name>” command does not delete the database. So, in order to delete a particular database, utilize the “WITH FORCE” option with the same command:



This command closed the database session forcefully and removed the “linuxhint” database.


To create a PostgreSQL database using Docker, first, download the Postgres image from Docker Hub. Then, create and run the Postgres container using the “docker run –name <cont-name> -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=<password> -p 5432:5432 -d postgres” command. Next, access the Postgres container and connect to the Database Server. After that, create a Database using the “CREATE DATABASE <database-name>;” command. Moreover, users can create a new table in the database, insert values in the table and select data from the database.

About the author

Laiba Younas

I have done bachelors in Computer Science. Being passionate about learning new technologies, I am interested in exploring different programming languages and sharing my experience with the world.