
How to Set a:hover Based on Class

:hover” is one of the most popular pseudo-class that is used to add effect to any element on mouse over or cursor. It is recognized only in the CSS style sheet, which means it can not be applied in inline CSS. To apply “:hover” on the element, it is better to assign the class or id attribute to the element and utilize this pseudo-class to the style sheet to add the hover effect.

This tutorial will explain:

What is “a:hover” in CSS?

a:hover” is used to add a hover effect on the embed links or anchor tag. Here, “a:hover” includes anchor tags “<a>” and “:hover” pseudo-class. It is generally used to trigger the “<a>” element in CSS. It can also add effects to the “a” element by altering the link color, cursor style, background color, and many more.

How to Set “a:hover” Based on Class?

To set “a:hover” based on class, try out the given instructions.

Step 1: Make a “div” Container

Initially, create a container with the help of the “<div>” tag and assign it an “id” attribute.

Step 2: Create Another “div” Container

Next, create a nested “div” container in between the first container and assign a “class” attribute with a particular name.

Step 3: Insert “<a>” Tag

Next, insert the “<a>” tag that is utilized for linking one page to another. Then, insert the mentioned attribute inside the “<a>” opening tag, where:

  • class” is utilized to uniquely identify the element with a name.
  • href” attribute is used to hold the URL of other page or destination address:
<div id="main-div">

<div class="main-menu">

<a class="first" href="linuxhint">Main Page</a>

<a class="second" href="business">Home</a>

<a class="third" href="about-me">about me</a>



The output of the above code is as follows:

Step 4: Style the Main “div “Container

To style the main “div” container, first of all, access the “<div>” element by id name with the “#” selector. In our case, we have used “#main-div”. Next, apply the below-listed properties:


border: 3px solid blue;

margin: 20px 50px;

padding: 50px;

font-size: larger;

background-color: bisque;



  • The “border” property is used to define a boundary or outline around the element.
  • margin” allocates a space outside of the defined boundary.
  • padding” is used to specify the space inside the defined boundary and around the element’s content.
  • font-size” property determines the size of the font.
  • background-color” is utilized to set the color at the backside of the element within a boundary.


Step 5: Set “a:hover” Based on Class

Now, access the inner “div” element using the assigned class with dot selector “.main-menu” and utilize the “a:hover” pseudo class to add a hover effect to the “<a>” element.

For this purpose, apply the mentioned properties:

.main-menu a:hover{

color:rgb(247, 137, 12);

border: 2px dotted blue;

border-radius: 20%;


Here is the description for above mentioned code:

  • color” property is utilized to set the color of the text.
  • border” defines a boundary around the “<a>” element. For instance, we have applied a dotted blue border on hover.
  • border-radius” sets the element edges in a rounded shape:

That was all about setting a:hover based on the class in CSS.


To set the “a:hover” pseudo-class based on class, first, create a div container by using the “<div>” tag and assign it a class attribute. Then, insert an “<a>” element to link another web page. After that, access the “div” element with the help of the class and apply the hover effect on the link using “a:hover”. This post has demonstrated the method for setting the “a:hover” based on the class.

About the author

Hafsa Javed