
Proper Way to Make HTML Nested List

In HTML, users can insert data in many forms, including “lists”, “tables”, “paragraphs”, and so on. Furthermore, you can also add data in the form of lists, such as ordered lists and unordered lists. Moreover, HTML permits its users to create nested lists to handle the data properly. The ordered list displays the data in numbers, and the unordered list shows data in bullet form.

This blog will explain:

How to Make an HTML-Nested List?

To make an HTML nested list, follow the given step-by-step procedure.

Step 1: Insert a Heading

First, insert a heading by utilizing any heading tag from “<h1>” to “<h6>”. In this scenario, we have used the “<h2>” heading tag and embedded text for the heading in between the tag.

Step 2: Create “div” Container

Next, create a div container with the help of the “<div>” element and insert an “id” attribute inside the div opening tag with a particular name.

Step 3: Add Unordered List

Now, utilize the “<ul>” tag for adding an unordered list. Then, add the test with the help of the “<li>” tag. Next, add a nested unordered list and add data for the list in between the “<ul>” tag. 

Step 4: Create an Ordered List

Next, inside the first unordered list, create an ordered list by using the “<ol>” tag and embed data in the form of an ordered list with the “<li>” tag:

<h1>Proper Nested List</h1>
    <div id="nested-list">
            <li>Computer Science Courses</li>
                    <li>Data Structure</li>
                    <li>Database Management System</li>
                    <li>Operating System</li>
                <li>Object Oriented Programming</li>
        <li>Computer Science Categories</li>
                <li>React Js</li>


It can be observed that the HTML nested list has been created successfully:

If the user wants to apply styling on the list, move toward the next section.

How to Apply Styling on Nested List in CSS?

To apply styling on a nested list in CSS, check out the given steps.

Step 1: Style Heading

Access the heading by using the “h1” tag name and apply the given properties:

 text-align center;
 color: blue;


  • text-align” is utilized for setting the center alignment of the text.
  • The CSS “color” property specifies the color of the defined text.

Step 2: Style Main div Container

Access the main div with the help of the name of “id” as “#nested-list” and apply the following properties mentioned in the code block:

 background-color: rgb(182, 250, 227);
 margin: 20px 70px;
 padding: 30px;
 border: dotted blue;

The details of the above-stated properties are as follows:

  • background-color” property is utilized for setting the color at the backside of the element.
  • margin” specifies space outside of the defined boundary.
  • padding” is used to add space inside the defined element.
  • border” determines a boundary around the element.


That’s the property way for making HTML nested list.


To make a nested list, users can utilize ordered and unordered lists. To do so, insert the first list with the help of the “<ul>” or “<ol>” tag and embed data. Then, define another list within the first list. This write-up has examined the procedure for making the proper nested list in HTML.

About the author

Hafsa Javed