
Is ESP Wroom 32 Single or Dual-Core

The ESP Wroom 32 is a popular module developed by Espressif Systems. Due to its low power consumption, the ESP Wroom 32 module is extensively utilized in IoT applications. While discussing ESP32, one question which comes to mind about this module is whether it is a single or dual-core module. This article covers ESP Wroom 32 architecture and answers the question if ESP32 Wroom is based on a single or dual-core CPU.

Table of Contents

ESP Wroom 32 Overview

The ESP Wroom 32 is a compact module that integrates Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity, along with a powerful microcontroller unit (MCU). The module is based on the ESP32 chip, which is a successor to the ESP8266 chip. The ESP32 chip features a dual-core processor, which makes it more powerful than the ESP8266 chip.

ESP Wroom 32 Architecture

The ESP32 microcontroller used in the ESP Wroom 32 module features a dual-core processor, which means it has two identical CPU cores that can run independently of each other. These cores are based on the Tensilica Xtensa LX6 processor, which is a highly configurable processor architecture commonly used in embedded systems.

When the ESP32 was first designed, the plan was to use the two CPU cores in an asymmetric multiprocessor setup, where one core would handle (PRO) Protocol-related tasks and the other core would handle (APP) Application-related tasks. As a result, the cores were initially referred to as PRO CPU and APP CPU, respectively.

However, later, the design was changed to a symmetric multiprocessor setup, where both cores are interchangeable and can handle any task. In this setup, the cores are typically referred to as CPU0 and CPU1.

It’s worth noting that the terms PRO and APP are still sometimes used, but they are merely legacy names and do not accurately reflect the current design of the ESP32.

Is ESP Wroom 32 Single or Dual-Core?

The ESP Wroom 32 is a dual-core microcontroller, which means that it features two Tensilica Xtensa LX6 CPU cores. These cores can be individually controlled and can run at speeds of up to 240 MHz. The dual-core architecture of the ESP Wroom 32 makes it well-suited for multitasking applications, as it can run multiple tasks simultaneously.

Single-Core vs. Dual-Core

A single-core processor comprises a single processing unit, whereas a dual-core processor incorporates two processing units. In general, dual-core processors are more powerful than single-core processors, as they can perform multiple tasks simultaneously.

Advantages of Single-Core

Single-core processors have some advantages over dual-core processors, including:

  • Low power consumption
  • Low cost
  • Simpler architecture

Advantages of Dual-Core

Dual-core processors have some advantages over single-core processors, including:

  • Higher processing power
  • Ability to perform multiple tasks simultaneously
  • Better multitasking performance


The ESP Wroom 32 is a powerful, low-cost, and high-performance microcontroller module that is widely used in IoT applications. The ESP32 Wroom is based on the ESP32 chip for processing. This chip also has support for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, along with a dual-core processor. This article discussed ESP32 Dual core processor in detail.

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I am an Electrical Engineer. I love to write about electronics. I am passionate about writing and sharing new ideas related to emerging technologies in the field of electronics.