
Is ESP32 a Microprocessor

As technology advances, there are more and more types of electronic devices available in the market. One of the devices that have become more popular recently is the ESP32. But most of the time we may confuse ESP32 with Arduino, as Arduino is a microcontroller board, so a question that comes to people’s mind is whether ESP32 is a microcontroller or a microprocessor. So, this article covers the answer to the question: is ESP32 a microprocessor?

What is a Microprocessor?

A microprocessor is an electronic chip that can execute arithmetic and logical operations, serving as the central processing unit (CPU) or the brain of a computer or any electronic device requiring computational capabilities. These chips are available in different sizes and are utilized in various electronic devices, such as personal computers, smartphones, and even household appliances.

What is a Microcontroller?

A microcontroller is a computer chip with a CPU, memory, and multiple GPIO pins interface into a single integrated circuit (IC). Its purpose is to execute functions and oversee electronic devices or systems, commonly used in embedded applications.

Unlike a microprocessor, which is a standalone CPU that requires additional chips for supporting functions such as memory and I/O, a microcontroller is a complete system on a chip. This makes microcontrollers well-suited for use in small, low-power embedded systems, as they can control multiple hardware components with a minimum of external circuitry.

Is ESP32 a Microprocessor?

The answer is yes, the ESP32 is a microprocessor. ESP32 microprocessor is a chip-based system that offers a full range of functions, such as a microcontroller, as well as built-in capabilities for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity. The ESP32 can be programmed using the Arduino IDE or other development environments, making it easy to use for hobbyists and professionals alike.

The ESP32 is a type of microcontroller that is cost-effective along with low energy requirements. It has built-in Wi-Fi and can use both Bluetooth modes. It uses either a dual-core or single-core Tensilica Xtensa LX6 microprocessor or a single-core RISC-V microprocessor.

Differences between Microprocessor and Microcontroller

The following are a few differences or distinctions between a microprocessor and a microcontroller:


Microprocessors and microcontrollers have different architectures. Microprocessors are designed to perform general-purpose computing tasks and typically consist of a CPU, memory, and peripherals. Microcontrollers, on the other hand, are designed to control specific devices or systems and have a separate CPU, along with integrated peripherals.
Processing Power

Processing Power

Microprocessors have more processing power compared to microcontrollers. Microprocessors have a faster clock speed and more memory, making them capable of executing more complex tasks in a shorter amount of time. Microcontrollers, on the other hand, have a lower clock speed and less memory, making them better suited for simpler applications that don’t require as much processing power.


Microprocessors and microcontrollers have different types and numbers of peripherals. Microprocessors typically have a wider range of peripherals, including more input/output (I/O) pins, communication protocols, and other features, making them more versatile for use in a wider range of applications. Microcontrollers, on the other hand, are designed with specific peripherals and features to control a particular device or system.


In general, microcontrollers are cheaper than microprocessors. This is because microcontrollers are designed for specific applications, and manufacturers can optimize their design for a specific use case, reducing the cost of production. In contrast, microprocessors are designed to perform a wide range of general computing tasks, which can increase their production costs.

Power Consumption

Microcontrollers typically consume less power compared to microprocessors. This is because microcontrollers are often used in battery-powered devices or devices that require low power consumption. Microprocessors are generally more power-hungry, making them better suited for applications where performance is more important than power consumption.

Why ESP32 Is a Microprocessor and Not a Microcontroller

The ESP32 is classified as a microprocessor because it has a more powerful processor compared to a microcontroller. While microcontrollers typically have a single-core processor running at a lower clock speed, the ESP32 has a dual-core processor running at up to 240MHz. This makes the ESP32 capable of performing more complex tasks and processing more data in a shorter amount of time.

Additionally, microcontrollers typically have limited amounts of memory and a fixed set of peripherals, while the ESP32 has a wider range of peripherals and more memory, allowing it to be used in a wider range of applications. Microcontrollers are typically used in simpler applications where power consumption is critical, while microprocessors like the ESP32 are used in more complex applications where performance is important.


The ESP32 is a microprocessor that is built for wireless applications. It has a dual-core processor, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth capabilities, making it an excellent choice for IoT projects. The ESP32 is a microprocessor because it has additional peripherals which are missing in a microcontroller board, such as Arduino.

About the author


I am an Electrical Engineer. I love to write about electronics. I am passionate about writing and sharing new ideas related to emerging technologies in the field of electronics.