
How to Install MariaDB Using Docker?

Docker is a free, open-source, and well-established platform utilized to run and share the programs and software in the container. Additionally, users can also embed and use databases of different platforms in containers. Docker Hub the official Docker registry provides many numerous images of databases. By using these images, the user can easily set up and use the required database in the Docker container.

This blog will illustrate how to install MariaDB using Docker.

How to Install MariaDB Using Docker?

MariaDB is an open-source, universally used MySQL relational DBMS. It is the newest form of the MySQL technology. To install MariaDB using Docker, go through the provided instructions.

Step 1: Pull Image For MariaDB and Start Container

To download the MariaDB official image and execute it to create and start the MariaDB Docker container, utilize the given command:

docker run --detach --name MariaDB-cont --env MARIADB_USER=Root --env MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD=root mariadb:latest

In the above snippet:

  • –detach” option is used to process the MariaDB container in the backend.
  • –name” specifies the container’s name. For instance, we have set “MariaDB-cont”.
  • –env” option is utilized to define the container’s environment variables.
  • mariadb:latest” is the official Docker image used setup and use MariaDB in the Docker container:

Step 2: Start Container Shell

Next, start the container shell using the “docker exec -it <container-name> bash” command:

docker exec -it MariaDB-cont bash

Step 3: Access and Use MariaDB

For the verification, access the MariaDB interface inside the container by executing the “mysql -u root -p” command:

mysql -u root -p

This command will ask you to provide the password, and add the password that you have set in the “MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD” environment variable:

To check the MariaDB version, simply use the provided query:


In order to create the database in MariaDB, execute the “CREATE DATABASE <database-name>” query:


That’s how the MariaDB database is installed and used in the Docker container.

Bonus Tip: How to Install MariaDB Using Docker Compose?

Docker compose is a tool that is used to configure and execute multiple containers software, programs, and services. To install MariaDB using the Docker Compose service, follow up the following instructions.

Step 1: Create “docker-compose.yml” File

First, create a file named “docker-compose.yml” file. Next, add the below-mentioned code to the file:

version: '3.1'



image: mariadb

restart: always




image: adminer

restart: always


- 8080:8080

In the above code block:

  • services” key is used to specify compose services. For illustration, we have configured “db” and “adminer” services.
  • image” is utilized to define the service base image. To install MongoDB, we have utilized the “mariadb” image and “adminer” that also support SQL-based databases.
  • environment” key specifies the environment variables.
  • port” key is used to define the container’s exposed port.

Step 2: Fireup Compose Container

Next, start the compose container using the “docker-compose up” command:

docker-compose up -d

Step 3: Use MariaDB

To use MariaDB, open the exposing port “http://localhost:8080/” of the “adminer” service and log in to the MySQL database. Provide the username “root” and password that you have set in the “MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD” key in compose file:

Upon doing so, the MariaDB database interface will appear on the screen. Click on the “SQL command” option to run SQL queries:

In order to create the new database in MariaDB, use the “CREATE DATABASE <database-name>;” query and hit the “Execute” button:

From the below output, you can see that we have successfully created the new database “Linuxhint”:

That’s all about installing the MariaDB database using Docker.


To install MariaDB the improved version of MySQL database, simply use the “docker run –name <cont-name> mariadb:latest” command. Users can also specify the environment variables while executing the command using the “–env” option. To access the MariaDB interface, first, execute the container shell using the “docker exec” command, then run the “mysql -u root -p” command. This article has elaborated on how to install and use MariaDB in Docker.

About the author

Rafia Zafar

I am graduated in computer science. I am a junior technical author here and passionate about Programming and learning new technologies. I have worked in JAVA, HTML 5, CSS3, Bootstrap, and PHP.