
HTTP Client Error Status Messages | Explained

The user is updated about the interaction between the web browser and the server through certain response messages. These responses consist of a certain code along with a title that describes the type of message it is. These are most commonly referred to as HTTP status messages and are divided into various categories.

In this post, however, we are going to stick to the HTTP client error status messages and discuss what different types of messages fall under this category.

Let’s Begin.

What are HTTP Client Error Status Messages

When making a request to the server over HTTP certain errors can occur from the client-side such as invalid syntax, incorrect request message framing, and so forth. When such errors occur certain response messages are generated that are referred to as HTTP client error status messages. The codes associated with these responses are 400, 401, 4xx. Some of these messages are discussed here.

400 Bad Request

A response message that informs the user that the request was not processed due to some error in the syntax from the client-side.

401 Unauthorized

A response message that informs the user to authenticate itself in order for the request to be processed, although the request made was legal.

402 Payment Required

This response is originally generated for processing digital payments, however, it is reserved to be used in the future.

403 Forbidden

A response message that informs the user that the request despite being legal was denied because the user does not have access rights to the resource requested.

404 Not Found

A response message informing the user that the server was unable to find the resource requested. This could happen either because the URL of the resource requested was unrecognizable or the resource does not exist. This response is also often sent in place of the 403 Forbidden response.

405 Method Not Allowed

A message that is sent in response when a user uses a method that is not supported by the resource requested. For instance, using a PUT method on a read-only resource.

406 Not Acceptable

A response message sent when the server is unable to find any resource that is in accordance with the criteria set by the user.

407 Proxy Authentication Required

This response message is similar to 401 Unauthorized but what makes it different is that it allows the user to get the authorization done using a proxy.

408 Request Timeout

A response that is sent when the server timed out waiting for the request to be processed. This response is often sent due to a bad or inactive connection and the request is ended. Some servers often end the request without sending this response message.

409 Conflict

A response that informs the user that the request was unable to be processed because of some conflict in the request and the present condition of the browser.

410 Gone

A response message that informs the user that the resource requested has been removed permanently from the server.

411 Length Required

A response message sent when the user is required to specify the length of the content or otherwise the request may not be processed.

412 Precondition Failed

A response sent as a result of false precondition specifications by the user.

413 Request Entity Too Large

This response is sent when the resource requested is way too large and therefore the server was unable to process the request.

414 Request-URI Too Long

This response is sent when the URL of the resource is way too long and therefore the server was not able to process the request.

415 Unsupported Media Type

A response message that informs the user that the request was denied because the resource requested has a media type that the server does not support.

416 Request Range Not Satisfiable

A response sent in rejection of a request completion due to the specified range of the resource requested by the user.

417 Expectation Failed

This response is sent as a result when the server is unable to fulfill the requirements specified in the Expect request-header field.


Status messages that are generated when errors occur at client-side are referred to as HTTP client error status messages. Some of the status messages that lie under this group are 400 Bad Request, 401 Unauthorized, etc. The codes associated with these responses are 400, 401,… 4xx. Each of these messages hold a different meaning which we have discussed in detail in this post.

About the author

Naima Aftab

I am a software engineering professional with a profound interest in writing. I am pursuing technical writing as my full-time career and sharing my knowledge through my words.