
HTML5 Phone Number Validation With Pattern

Forms are the major part of the HTML document for collecting user data and information. To get correct input in the form from users, it is necessary to restrict the users from entering invalid information. Developers are required to add some validation checks on HTML documents. For this purpose, the user can add validation on different objects of the form, such as phone number validation through the “pattern” attribute.

This post will explain how to apply the HTML5 phone number validation with the pattern.

How to Apply the HTML5 Phone Number Validation With Pattern?

To add phone number validation with a pattern, follow the given instructions.

Step 1: Create a “div” Container

Initially, make a “div” container by utilizing the “<div>” element and assigning the “id” attribute.

Step 2: Add Headings

Next, add two headings using the “<h1>” and “<h2>” tags. The “<h1>” tag is used to embed the heading of level one, and “<h2>” specifies the heading of level two.

Step 3: Create Form

Next, create a form by using the “<form>” tag along with the following elements:

  • Insert a “<label>” tag along with the “for” attribute to label the element. The “for” attribute relates the specific element with the label.
  • <input>” element is added after the “<label>” tag, which refers to an input field to insert data.
  • The “<input>” element is provided with “type” and “pattern” attributes.
  • The “type” attribute determines the particular type of defined input. Utilize the “tel” value for getting the phone number from the user.
  • The “pattern” defines the format of the stated input types, including email, date, text, search, URL, tel, and password.
  • Create a button using <input> “type” as “button” and “value” as “Enter”:
<div id="validation">
    <h1 style="color:rgb(28, 0, 128);"> Linuxhint LTD UK</h1>
    <h2>HTML5 phone number validation with pattern</h2>
    Format of Phone Number: xxx-xxx-xxxx<br><br>
    <label for="phonenum">Phone Number:</label>
    <input type="tel" pattern="-\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4}$">
    <input type="button" value="Enter"></form><br><br>


Step 4: Style “div” Element

To style the “div” element, first access the element by id “#validation” and apply the following properties:

 text-align: Center;
 margin: 50px;
 border-color: rgb(85, 85, 245);
 background-color: rgb(243, 242, 160);


  • text-align” property is set as “center” for aligning the text in the center.
  • border-style” is used to determine the border style. For instance, we have applied the “ridge” border style.
  • margin” allocates the space at the outside of the element.
  • border-color” utilized for specifying the colorful boundary around the defined element.
  • background-color” specifies the background color of the container.


We have demonstrated how to apply HTML5 phone number validation with the pattern.


To apply the HTML5 phone number validation pattern, first, create a form by utilizing the “<form>” tag and add “<label>” that labels the input field. After that, add the “<input>” element along with the “type” as “tel” and “pattern” attributes. The “pattern” attribute specifies the pattern for the phone number validation. This post has demonstrated the procedure to add the HTML5 phone number validation with the pattern.

About the author

Hafsa Javed