
How to Use “align-items” in Tailwind?

In Tailwind CSS, the “align-items” utilities are used to control the vertical alignment/position of the flex and grid items in the container. The “items-<value>” utility can take different values, such as “start”, “center”, “end”, “baseline”, or “stretch”. Each value applies a different alignment option for the flex items, such as aligning them to the start, center, end, baseline, or stretch along the cross-axis.

This article will demonstrate various examples of using the “align-items” utilities in Tailwind CSS.

How to Use “align-items” in Tailwind?

To use the “align-items” utilities in Tailwind, make an HTML structure. Then, add the “align<value>” utility with the specific element in the HTML program to control its elements’ position along its cross-axis.


<element class="items-<value> ...">



Replace <value> with one of the following options: “start”, “center”, “end”, “baseline” or “stretch”.

Go through the below-provided examples for the practical demonstration.

Example 1: Use the “items-start” Utility in Tailwind

The “items-start” utility aligns the grid or flex items to the start/beginning of the container’s cross-axis (vertically). In this example, we will use the “items-start” utility in the “<div>” element to align its flex items to the beginning of its cross-axis:


<div class="flex items-start justify-around text-center h-44 m-3 bg-pink-300 gap-4">

<div class="bg-pink-600 py-4 w-40">1</div>

<div class="bg-pink-600 py-12 w-40">2</div>

<div class="bg-pink-600 py-8 w-40">3</div>



Here, in the parent <div>:

  • flex” class is used to create a flex container.
  • items-start” class aligns flex items to the beginning of the container’s cross-axis.
  • justify-around” class justifies flex items with equal spacing on each item’s side along the container’s main axis.
  • text-center” class centers the text inside the flex items horizontally.
  • h-44” class sets the height of the <div> container to 44 units.
  • m-3” class applies the 3 units of margin to all sides of the flex container.
  • bg-pink-300” class sets the container’s background color to light pink color.
  • gap-4” class sets 4 units of spacing between the flex items.

In the child <div> elements:

  • bg-pink-600” class applies the dark pink color to the background color of the flex items.
  • py-4” class adds the vertical padding of 4 units to the first flex item.
  • py-12” class adds 12 units of vertical padding to the second flex item.
  • py-8” class adds the vertical padding of 8 units to the third flex item.
  • w-40” class sets the width of the flex item to 40 units.


It can be observed that the flex items have been aligned to the start of the container vertically.

Example 2: Use the “items-center” Utility in Tailwind

The “items-center” utility aligns the grid or flex items to the center of the container’s cross-axis. In this example, we will use the “items-center” utility in the “<div>” element to align its flex items to the center of its cross-axis:


<div class="flex items-center justify-around text-center h-44 m-3 bg-pink-300 gap-4">

<div class="bg-pink-600 py-4 w-40">1</div>

<div class="bg-pink-600 py-12 w-40">2</div>

<div class="bg-pink-600 py-8 w-40">3</div>




The above output shows that the flex items have been aligned to the center of the container vertically.

Example 3: Use the “items-end” Utility in Tailwind

The “items-end” utility aligns the grid or flex items to the end of the container’s cross-axis. In this example, we will use the “items-end” utility in the “<div>” element to align its flex items to the end of its cross-axis:


<div class="flex items-end justify-around text-center h-44 m-3 bg-pink-300 gap-4">

<div class="bg-pink-600 py-4 w-40">1</div>

<div class="bg-pink-600 py-12 w-40">2</div>

<div class="bg-pink-600 py-8 w-40">3</div>




It can be seen that the flex items have been aligned to the end of the container vertically.

Example 4: Use the “items-baseline” Utility in Tailwind

The “items-baseline” utility aligns the grid or flex items to the baseline of the container’s cross-axis. In this example, we will use the “items-baseline” utility in the “<div>” element to align its flex items to the baseline of its cross-axis:


<div class="flex items-baseline justify-around text-center h-44 m-3 bg-pink-300 gap-4">

<div class="bg-pink-600 py-4 w-40">1</div>

<div class="bg-pink-600 py-12 w-40">2</div>

<div class="bg-pink-600 py-8 w-40">3</div>




According to the above output, the flex items have been aligned to the baseline of the container.

Example 5: Use the “items-stretch” Utility in Tailwind

The “items-stretch” utility stretches the grid or flex items to fill the container’s cross-axis. In this example, we will use the “items-stretch” utility in the “<div>” element to stretch its flex items and fill its cross-axis:


<div class="flex items-stretch justify-around text-center h-44 m-3 bg-pink-300 gap-4">

<div class="bg-pink-600 py-4 w-40">1</div>

<div class="bg-pink-600 py-12 w-40">2</div>

<div class="bg-pink-600 py-8 w-40">3</div>




It can be observed that the flex items have been stretched and filled the container vertically.


To use the “align-items” in Tailwind, add the “items-<value>” utility class with the desired elements in the HTML code. These utilities align the flex or grid items along the cross-axis of the container. For verification, check out the HTML web page and view changes. This write-up has demonstrated the examples to use the “align-items” utilities in Tailwind CSS.

About the author

Laiba Younas

I have done bachelors in Computer Science. Being passionate about learning new technologies, I am interested in exploring different programming languages and sharing my experience with the world.