
How to Select a Radio Button by Default?

In HTML form, the radio button is utilized where the developer needs to restrict the user to provide or select only one option. The purpose of setting the button by default is to ensure that the user must select one option as it allows the user to choose only a single option. This blog demonstrates the step-by-step instructions to select a radio button by default.

How to Select a Radio Button by Default?

By default “checked” attribute is utilized for selecting the radio button. If this attribute is used on multiple radio buttons then the most recent radio button gets selected by default. Follow the step-by-step blog to select the radio button by default:

Step 1: Create Radio Buttons

In the HTML file, create three radio buttons and attach labels with them:


<h3>Select your experience level:</h3>


<input type="radio" id="beginner" name="experience" value="beginner">

<label for="beginner">Beginner</label>



<input type="radio" id="intermediate" name="experience" value="intermediate">

<label for="intermediate">Intermediate</label>



<input type="radio" id="advance" name="experience" value="advance">

<label for="advance">Advance</label>



In the above code snippet:

  • The radio button is formed by creating simple “<input>” tags and setting its type to “radio”.
  • Assign each radio button with the “name”, “id”, and “value”.
  • In the end, use the “id” of the input field to attach the “<label>” tag using the “for” attribute.

After executing the script the output as below:

The figure represents that the radio buttons are displayed but none of them are selected by default.

Step 2: Select By Default

The “checked” attribute is utilized to auto-select the radio button. It selects only one option. That’s why it is a better approach to select one radio button by default. It restricts the user to selecting the right option:


<input type="radio" id="beginner" name="experience" value="beginner" checked>

<label for="beginner">Beginner</label>


In the above code, the checked attribute is used and it is assigned to the first input field only.

Now after executing the above code webpage looks like this:

The output illustrates that the first radio button is selected by default on every refresh of the page.

Bonus Tip: Using JavaScript to Select the Radio Button by Default

To select a radio button by default using JavaScript, access the radio button using id. Then, select its checked attribute and set its Boolean value set to “true” as in the below code:


document.getElementById("beginner").checked = true;


In this code, the “beginner” is the id of that radio button which is selected by default.

After compiling the script the output as below:

In the above snapshot, the first radio button is selected by default using JavaScript.


For selecting a radio button, users can utilize the “checked” attribute. If the checked attribute is used in more than one radio button, then the radio button gets the most recent “checked” attribute value. To select a radio button by default using JavaScript, access the radio button using id. This blog has successfully demonstrated how to select the radio button by default.

About the author

Abdul Moeed

I'm a versatile technical author who thrives on adaptive problem-solving. I have a talent for breaking down complex concepts into understandable terms and enjoy sharing my knowledge and experience with readers of all levels. I'm always eager to help others expand their understanding of technology.