
How to Make Responsive Table – CSS

Sometimes, a table on a web page becomes so wide that it cannot fit into the screen properly. So, the user wants to scroll the screen to see all the table elements. A responsive table in HTML is a wide table that can be scrolled horizontally from left to right and vice versa. More specifically, the CSS “overflow-x” property is used for the purpose of making a simple HTML table horizontally scrollable.

This article will demonstrate how we can make a responsive table through CSS.

How to Make/Create a Responsive Table?

Creating a responsive table in HTML requires the use of the “overflow-x” property in the “<div>” element in which the “<table>” is created.

The syntax to add the “overflow-x” property to make the table responsive is as follows:

overflow-x: auto;

Here, the “overflow-x” property adds the scroll bar to make the table responsive.

Prerequisite: Create a Table
Let’s create a table which is horizontally expanded in such a way that overflows the screen width by adding multiple “<th>” and “<td>” elements:

<h2>Responsive Table</h2>
<div class="myclass">

In the above HTML code snippet:

  • An “<h2>” heading has been added with the text “Responsive Table”.
  • A “<div>” container element is defined with the class declared as “myclass”.
  • After that, a “<table>” element is added to create a table on the web page.
  • Inside the “<table>” element, four “<tr>” elements have been added to make four rows of the table.
  • Inside the first row, multiple “<th>” elements have been added that define the header content.
  • Inside the second, third, and fourth row, the “<td>” elements have been added to insert the content in the table rows.

In the CSS style element, it is required to define the “overflow-x” property to make the table responsive. You can also add some other properties to make the table look more presentable:

  overflow-x: auto;
table {
  border-spacing: 0;
  width: 100%;
  border: 1px solid #ddd;
th, td
  text-align: left;
  padding: 8px;
background-color: #f2f2f2;

In the above CSS style element:

  • The class selector “.myclass” has been added that refers to the div container in which the table has been created.
  • Inside it, the “overflow-x” property is defined with the value “auto”. This will create a horizontal scroll bar at the end of the table.
  • After that, there is the table element selector that has the CSS properties defined inside it.
  • The “border-spacing” property defines the spaces between the table cells as zero.
  • The “width” property defined as “100%” expands the table in such a way that it covers the whole horizontal area of the screen.
  • The “border” property sets the table border to “1px” here.
  • After that, the “th” and “td” element selectors define properties for the table headings and the table cells.
  • Inside it, there is the “text-align” property that aligns the content to the left side of the screen.
  • The “padding” property defines the distance between the content and the border as “8px”.
  • The “background-color” property is added with the background color defined in it for half of the rows of the table.

The above code will make a wide table in the output and the following will be the display:

If the screen size is minimized in such a way that it overflows of borders of the screen, there will be a horizontal scroll bar displayed at the bottom because of the use of “overflow-x” property:

This concludes how to make responsive tables in HTML.


The responsive tables in HTML are created by adding the CSS “overflow-x” property for the div element in which the table is created. This property simply creates a horizontal scroll bar right at the end of the table that makes the table horizontally scrollable. This post demonstrated a useful method to make a simple table responsive.

About the author

Hadia Atiq

A Software Engineer and Technical Writer passionate about learning and spreading knowledge of the latest technology. I utilize my writing skills to help readers understand the importance and usage of modern technology.