
How Save Function Works in Docker with Examples

Docker images are an important component of Docker. They are the template that contains instructions for creating/building Docker containers. While working on Docker, developers may want to save Docker images as an archive file for different reasons, such as keeping a backup of images, offline development, etc. In this situation, Docker provides a “docker save” command to save one or multiple images to an archive file.

This study will explain how the “save” function works in Docker.

How Does the Save Function or “save” Command Work in Docker?

The “docker save” is a command in Docker utilized to save single or multiple Docker images to an archive file. The archive file can then be used for the backup of Docker images and transfer images to another PC.

Look at the following examples to see how the “docker save” command works.

Example 1: How to Save and Load a Docker Image After Deleting the Existing Image?

In this example, the following operations will be performed:

  • List all the Docker images and select the desired image.
  • Save the selected image to an archive file using the “docker save <image-name> -o <output-file-name>” or “docker save <image-name> > <output-file-name>” command.
  • Delete the existing image from the local repository.
  • Load the image from the archive file via the “docker load -i <input-file-name>” command.
  • List the Docker images to verify whether the desired image is loaded from the archive file and available again or not.

Step 1: Display Docker Images

First, run the following command to list all the available Docker images:

docker image ls

The below output shows all the Docker images. Now, choose the desired Docker image to save it as a file. For instance, we have selected the “alpine” image:

Step 2: Save Docker Image as a File

Then, save the selected Docker image as a file with the help of provided command:

docker save alpine -o my-alpine.tar


  • docker save” is a Docker command used to save the Docker image to the tar archive file.
  • alpine” is the selected Docker image that needs to be saved as a file.
  • -o” option is utilized to specify the output file.
  • my-alpine.tar” is the output file name:

Alternatively, the below-stated command can also be used to save the Docker image as a file:

docker save alpine > my-alpine2.tar

Here, “my-alpine2.tar” is the output file name:

Step 3: Verify Changes

Use the “ls” command with the output file name to see whether the selected Docker image has been saved as a file or not:

ls my-alpine.tar

It can be seen that the desired Docker image has been saved as a tar archive file:

Step 4: Delete Existing Docker Image

Next, delete the existing Docker image from the repository:

docker image rm alpine

Here, the “rm” option is used to delete the “alpine” Docker image:

Step 5: Verify Deleted Image

Execute the below-listed command to verify whether the desired image has been deleted or not:

docker image ls

In the below output, the “alpine” Docker image cannot be seen, which means it has been deleted from the repository:

Step 6: Load Docker Image From Archive File

Now, load the desired Docker image from the tar archive file using the provided command:

docker load -i my-alpine.tar


  • docker load” command is utilized to load the Docker image from an archive file.
  • -i” option specifies the input file, i.e., “my-alpine.tar”.

This command will load the “alpine” image from the “my-alpine.tar” file:

Step 7: Verification

Lastly, ensure that the desired image has been loaded from the archive file or not:

docker image ls

In the below screenshot, the “alpine” Docker image can be seen, which means it has been loaded successfully from the archive file:

Example 2: How to Save Multiple Docker Images at Once?

In this example, we will select two Docker images and save them to the tar archive file using the “docker save -o <output-file-name> <image1> <image2>” command.

Step 1: Save Multiple Images

To save multiple images at once, utilize the “docker save” command with the “-o” option and specify the output file name and multiple images names:

docker save -o my-images.tar alpine nginx


  • -o” option is utilized to specify the output file.
  •  “my-images.tar” is the output file name.
  • “alpine” and “nginx” are Docker images:

Step 2: Verification

Run the following command to verify whether multiple Docker images have been saved as a file or not:

ls my-images.tar

The below image indicates that the multiple Docker images have been saved to a tar archive file i.e., “my-images.tar”:

We have efficiently explained how the “save” command works in Docker.


The “docker save” is a Docker command used to save single or multiple Docker images to a tar archive file. To save the single Docker image as a file, the “docker save <image-name> -o <output-file-name>” command is used. In order to save multiple Docker images to the tar archive file, utilize the “docker save -o <output-file-name> <image1> <image2>” command. This study explained how the “save” function works in Docker.

About the author

Laiba Younas

I have done bachelors in Computer Science. Being passionate about learning new technologies, I am interested in exploring different programming languages and sharing my experience with the world.