
Form Inside a Table-HTML

The HTML table model permits the authors to arrange data in the form of images, forms fields, images, formatted text, mini tables, and many more. Each table can have a corresponding description that provides a brief discussion of the table’s function. Furthermore, if users want to arrange the data smartly on websites, they can add forms inside the table cells.

This post explains the method for creating a form inside the table.

How to Create a Form Inside a Table?

You can create a table using the “<table>” tag, then define table rows with the help of “<tr>” and use “<td>” to add data inside the table. In the middle of the “<td>” tag, utilize the “<form>” element for creating a form in the table.

To create a form inside a table, follow the given instructions.

Step 1: Make a div Container

Initially, make a div container by using the “<div>” tag. Also, add an “id” attribute and specify a name to the id for identification.

Step 2: Design a Table

Next, design a table using the “<table>” tag. Then, define the table rows and table data inside the table. To do so, follow the stated steps:

  • <tr>” is used to insert the table rows inside the table.
  • <td>” is deployed for putting the data inside the table rows.

Step 3: Create Form

Next, inside the “<td>” opening and closing tag, create a form with the help of the “<form>” element and define the following element in the form:

  • <label>” element specifies the label for a field in a user interface.
  • <input>” is used for making effective controls for web-based forms to accept user data. To do so, add “type” and “placeholder” attributes.
  • type” attribute determines the stated type of the defined input.
  • placeholder” attribute is utilized to add the value in the form field to display:
<div id="main-table">





<label>Enter Your Name:</label>

<input type="text" placeholder="Enter Name">


<label>Enter Your Email:</label>

<input type="email" placeholder="Enter Your Email">


<input type="submit">



<td> Table Data</td>





Step 5: Style the div Container

Access the div container with the help of the “id” selector and the value of the “id” as “#main-table”. Then, apply the below-mentioned CSS properties in the code block:


border: 4px solid rgb(35, 238, 8);

color: rgb(29, 7, 230);

background-color: rgb(248, 233, 192);

padding: 30px;

margin: 20px 40px;


In the above code snippet:

  • border” is used to define a boundary around the element in an HTML page.
  • color” specifies the color of the text inside the element.
  • background-color” is utilized for allocating the color at the backside of the defined element.
  • padding” adds space around the element inside the defined boundary.
  • margin” determines the space outside of the defined border.


Step 6: Apply Styling on Table data

Access the table data with the help of its name and apply styling according to your preferences:

table td{

border: 3px groove rgb(15, 11, 252);


To do so, the “border” is defined around the table data.

As you can see that the border has been added successfully outside of the table data:

Step 7: Style Form

Now, access the form and apply the CSS properties according to your choice:


background-color: rgb(140, 140, 245);


As, we have applied the “background-color” property to specify the color at the backside of the form element:

That’s all about creating the form inside the table.


To create a form inside the table, first, create a table with the help of the “<table>” tag. Then, add rows by using the “<tr>” and data with the “<td>” element. After that, in between the “<td>” element, create a form by utilizing the <form> element and add attributes according to your preferences. This post has explained the method for creating a form inside a table.

About the author

Hafsa Javed