
How to Fix “Kernel Driver not Installed (rc=-1908)” Error in VirtualBox?

VirtualBox is a renowned VM hypervisor known for creating machines virtually and running other operating systems(e.g. Windows, Linux, etc.) within an operating system. However, when it is installed or started after a long time, and a virtual machine is created; it comes up with a hectic error “Kernel Driver not Installed(rc=-1908)”. This error mostly occurs in Linux and Mac OS due to the version incompatibility of VirtualBox Version with the host operating system kernel.

Let’s dive into the understanding of the error a little bit, its types, and how to fix it in various operating systems. The Error “Kernel Driver not installed(rc=-1908)” can contain 3 types of messages:

Error 1: How to fix the ‘/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup’ Error?

Error 2: How can the ‘modprobe vboxdrv’ Error be Fixed?

Error 3: How can the ‘/sbin/vboxconfig’ Error be Fixed?

These errors occur due to missing VirtualBox Linux kernel headers and drivers or not being set up properly.

This article has provided a profound and tested solution to this error according to the following operating systems:

Let’s begin with the fix in the Linux Operating system.

How to Fix “Kernel Driver not Installed(rc=-1908)” Error in Linux?

To fix this issue in Linux, execute the command typed below to reconfigure or install(if these are not installed in the first place) the VirtualBox Linux kernel headers:

Note: Make sure to close the VirtualBox before running the command. Otherwise, you will be encountered with an error after executing the command.

sudo apt install --reinstall build-essential linux-headers-$(uname -r) virtualbox-dkms dkms

It will grant permission to take space for installation, grant the permission by typing “y” and hitting the “Enter” key.

After a while, installation will be completed and all you need to do is execute this command:

sudo modprobe vboxdrv

You are good to go and run the VirtualBox machines without any hassle.

How to Fix “Kernel Driver not Installed(rc=-1908)” Error in Mac OS(BigSur)?

To fix the “Kernel Driver not Installed(rc=-1908)” Error in Mac OS(BigSur), open up the System Preference settings by clicking on the “Apple” icon at the top left corner and selecting “System Preferences”:

Alternatively, you can open up the system preferences from the Dock and open the “Security and Privacy” Settings:

In the “General” tab of “Security & Privacy”, click on the lock button in the bottom left corner to unlock the settings and make changes:

This will ask you to provide the system password. Provide the password and press “Unlock”:

After unlocking the “Security and Privacy” preferences, click on the “Allow” button to unblock VirtualBox from loading:

Note: The “VirtualBox” is developed and owned by the “Oracle America, Inc.” and that’s why you will see “Oracle America, Inc.” in the message.

Note: The “Allow” button stays there for 30 minutes. However, if it is not shown, reinstall the VirtualBox and it will appear. To uninstall the VirtualBox, follow this guide.

How to Fix “Kernel Driver not Installed(rc=-1908)” Error in Mac OS(Mojave)?

In Mojave, the fix for “Kernel Driver not Installed(rc=-1908)” error is just running the following command:

sudo /Library/Application\ Support/VirtualBox/LaunchDaemons/ restart

After executing the above command, restart the VirtualBox and start the Virtual Machine.


This article has provided a profound and tested solution to the “Kernel Driver not Installed(rc=-1908)” error in Linux, and MacOS(BigSur & Mojave). This error occurs due to missing VirtualBox Linux kernel headers and drivers or not being set up properly. In Linux, you just need to install Linux headers and VirtualBox dkms. While, in Mac OS(BigSur), unlock and allow the app from “security and privacy” in “system preferences”.

About the author

Shehroz Azam

A Javascript Developer & Linux enthusiast with 4 years of industrial experience and proven know-how to combine creative and usability viewpoints resulting in world-class web applications. I have experience working with Vue, React & Node.js & currently working on article writing and video creation.