Ensure you have the following:
- Docker installed on your system.
- Docker Compose installed on your system.
- A basic understanding of Docker Compose and YAML syntax.
Basic Docker Compose
Let us start by creating a Docker Compose project.
Create a directory for the project and create a docker-compose.yml file in it.
$ cd basics
$ touch docker-compose.yml
We can then edit the docker compose file with docker secrets.
image: app:latest
- DB_PASSWORD_FILE=/run/secrets/db_password
file: ./secrets/db_password.txt
In the example above, we define a service called ‘app’ and a secret called ‘db_password.’
In this case, DB_PASSWORD_FILE is an environment variable in the service that points to the location of the secret file.
Create Secret Files
In the next step, create a directory called ‘secrets’ within the project directory.
Next, add the secret files there. For example, create secrets/db_password.txt and add the database password in it.
Using Secrets
Once we have defined all the secrets and files, we can use the secret environment variables in the docker-compose file.
We can access the secret file in the application, as shown in the example Python below:
db_password =
Docker Compose Secrets is a powerful feature for managing sensitive information in containerized applications.