
What is the Difference Between Docker Compose 2 and 3

Docker Compose” is a powerful tool that enables developers to define and manage multi-container applications using a YAML file. With Docker Compose, it becomes easier to run multiple Docker containers together and specify their dependencies and configurations.

In recent years, Docker has introduced several versions of Docker Compose, including versions 2 and 3. Understanding the differences between these versions can help developers leverage the specific features that meet their application deployment requirements.

In this article, we will delve into the differences between Docker Compose 2 and 3, shedding light on the advancements and their implications for managing complex containerized applications.

Docker Compose 2

Docker Compose 2”, popularly known as “Compose file format 2”, emerged as an upgrade to its predecessor, primarily focusing on offering better scalability for orchestration. It enabled the deployment of complex applications across multiple machines, facilitating easier management and control over the containers.

Compose 2 allowed users to define multiple services within a single YAML file, establishing a logical grouping of containers through keywords like services, volumes, and networks.

Challenges addressed by Docker Compose 3

Despite its capabilities, Docker Compose 2 faced limitations when it came to orchestrating applications across multiple hosts. This posed a bottleneck for scalability and efficiency, especially in large-scale deployments. “Docker Compose 3”, popularly known as “Compose file format 3”, aimed to tackle these challenges by enabling seamless management of containerized applications across a swarm of hosts.


Challenges Addressed Docker Compose 2 Docker Compose 3
Enhanced Service Definitions In Docker Compose 2, service definitions focused on basic configurations like images, ports, and volumes, providing a standardized way to define individual containers. The constraints and placement of services across hosts were, however, limited, resulting in less flexibility for auto-scaling and failover. In Docker Compose 3, significant improvements were made to service definitions, allowing for fine-grained control over container placement across the swarm. The introduction of constraints, labels, and resource limits enabled intelligent placement decisions, promoting a balanced load distribution, failover, and optimal resource utilization.
Improved Networking Networking played a crucial role in Container Compose 2 but it was not as advanced as it is in Docker Compose 3. Docker Compose 3 took it a step further by introducing network attachments, which enable services to connect to specific networks within a swarm. This granular control over network attachment facilitates isolation between services and simplifies communication between containers.
Integration of Secrets Management Docker Compose 2 focused on security features but it didn’t have secrets management in it. Docker Compose 3 brought enhanced security features with the introduction of secrets management. Secrets, such as usernames, passwords, or API keys, can be securely stored within Docker Swarm and seamlessly injected into services during runtime. This improves the overall security posture of containerized applications.
Rolling Updates and Rollbacks Updating the system in Docker Compose 2 was sufficient and didn’t have the feature of rolling updates. Docker Compose 3 improved the update mechanism by allowing rolling updates, ensuring zero downtime during deployments. Additionally, the ability to roll back to a previously known state in case of issues during an update adds an extra layer of reliability, minimizing the risk of service disruptions.


Compatibility Considerations

A noteworthy point to consider is the compatibility between Docker Compose 2 and 3. Due to the introduction of swarm mode in Docker Compose 3, applications defined using Compose 2 might require modifications to leverage the advanced features provided by Compose 3. Compatibility testing and migration planning are essential aspects to consider when upgrading from Docker Compose 2 to 3.

Backward Compatibility

Beyond the specific features introduced in each version, it is worth noting that Docker Compose 3 is backward compatible with Compose 2. This means that Compose 2 configurations can still be used in Compose 3 without the need for any modifications. This compatibility ensures that developers can take full advantage of the new features introduced in Compose 3 while continuing to leverage their existing Compose 2 configurations.


Docker Compose 2 brought finer control over resource constraints, external secrets management, and service dependencies. On the other hand, Docker Compose 3 undoubtedly revolutionized container orchestration at scale by introducing swarm mode, enhanced service definitions, improved networking, secrets management, and reliable rolling updates.

About the author

Hiba Shafqat

I am a Computer Science student and a committed technical writer by choice. It is a great pleasure to share my knowledge with the world in which I have academic expertise.