
CSS text-overflow ellipsis not Working

An ellipsis is a punctuation mark made up of three dots that are used to indicate the absence of a word, paragraph, quote, or more. Frequently in fiction, we utilized the ellipsis to indicate hesitation or something to build curiosity. More specifically, these ellipses are utilized where the sentence is not completed. So, to show ellipsis on your web page, CSS property text-overflow with value ellipsis can be utilized.

This article will guide you through why the text-overflow property with value ellipsis does not work.

Why Does text-overflow ellipsis Not Work in CSS?

We will discuss the stated topic using a practical demonstration.

To do so, in HTML, first, add a div element with the class name “main”. Then, add <h1> element to add a heading to the web page, a div with the class name “sub-section” which contains two div classes, “left-section” and “right-section”. These two div elements contain <h2> elements for heading, and then some content is added to them. At last, a <p> tag is added to add some content.


<div class="main">
    <h1>Welcome to the Linuxhint School</h1>
    <div class="sub-section">
        <div class="left-section">
            <h2>Quality Education</h2>
            We provide quality education to the world!
        <div class="right-section">
            <h2>Article Writing</h2>
            A technical author writes articles about Computer Science topics.
    <p>You can learn any computer science topics from the Linuxhint website. Our first priority is our audience.

The structure of the web page is completed and can be seen in the below image:

The next section will demonstrate how to apply style properties to the HTML elements. For this purpose, add the property “text-overflow” with the value “ellipses” to the <h1> element, “left-section”, and “right-section”. Let’s see what will happen when this property is applied to the elements.

Style main div

.main {
    width: 500px;
    margin: 2px auto;
    padding: 8px;
    border-radius: 10px;
    background-color: #432C7A;
    color: ghostwhite;

The “.main” refers to the div element having class name main. The description of the applied CSS properties is given below:

  • width” property is utilized to set the element’s width to “500px”.
  • margin” property is set to “2px auto” which will specify a space of 2px at the top-bottom and equal space to the left-right sides of the div.
  • padding” property with the value “8px” adds a space of 8px around the content of the div main.
  • border-radius” property makes the corners of the div element rounded.
  • background-color” property sets the specified color to the element’s background.
  • color” property sets the color to the element’s font.

Style p Element

.right-section p {
    font-size: 18px;

The <p> element of the div main, left-section and right-section is provided with the “font-size” as “18px”.

Style h1 Element of the main div

.main h1 {
     text-overflow: ellipsis;

Utilize the “text-overflow” property with the value “ellipsis” to the <h1> element of the div main.

Style sub-section div

.sub-section {
    display: flex;

The div element with the class name “sub-section” is applied with the display property “flex” to make a flexible, responsive layout.

Style left-section div

.left-section {
    background-color: #fa9393;
    padding: 3px;
    margin: 1px;
    border-radius: 10px;

The “.left-section” refers to the class left-section of the div element. The explanation of the properties applied to this div element is given below:

  • background-color” property applies color to the element’s background.
  • padding” property produces a space around the content of the left-section div.
  • margin” property produces a space around the left-section div element.
  • border-radius” property makes the pointed edges round.

Style right-section div

.right-section {
    background-color: #FF8FB1;
    padding: 3px;
    margin: 1px;
    text-overflow: ellipsis;
    border-radius: 10px;

The following properties are applied to the div element with class name “right-section”:

  • background-color” property applies color to the element’s background.
  • padding” property adds space around the content of the left-section div.
  • margin” property adds space around the left-section div element.
  • text-overflow” with value ellipsis is utilized to signal to the user that this text’s overflow is hidden.
  • border-radius” property is utilized to convert the edges of the element to round.

By providing the above code, the result is displayed as follows:

It can be seen in the above image that the text of heading <h1>, left-section, and right-section is not displayed in the ellipsis text. Now, in the next section, we will apply the text-overflow property with other properties that will help in making the text with the ellipsis ( … ).

How to Use text-overflow ellipsis in CSS?

The property text-overflow works in combination with the other properties white-space with value nowrap, overflow with value hidden:

white-space: nowrap;
overflow: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;

The description of the properties is mentioned below:

  • white-space” property with the value “nowrap” is utilized to adjust the text in a straight line.
  • overflow” property with the value “hidden” is utilized to hide the overflow text.
  • text-overflow” property with the value “ellipsis” is utilized to turn the text into an ellipsis.


That’s it! We have successfully learned why CSS text-overflow ellipsis does not work and how to fix it.


In CSS, the text-overflow property can be assigned the value ellipsis. But it won’t work alone. The ellipsis works on the element that’s width is set in “pixels”, the white-space property must be specified as “nowrap”, and the value of the overflow property as “hidden”. This article has demonstrated how the CSS text-overflow property with the value ellipsis works and provided a relevant example.

About the author

Sharqa Hameed

I am a Linux enthusiast, I love to read Every Linux blog on the internet. I hold masters degree in computer science and am passionate about learning and teaching.