
Is There a Way to Apply Styles to Safari Only?

Safari is the best browser built specifically for users that use Apple products. Using this browser, users can experience the internet on all their Apple devices. Its “syncs” all your bookmarks, tabs, and more to your iCloud. It is secure, easy to use, and fast compared to other browsers. This article demonstrates how to apply custom CSS that applies only to Safari Browser.

Is There a Way to Apply Styles to Safari Only?

There are multiple ways to restrict styles that will apply only to Safari browsers. By using the “::i-block-chrome” users restrict Chrome to get styles and work for Safari. Or the usage of specific code to apply styles only to Safari.

Follow the below demonstration to apply designs only on the Safari browser:

Step 1: Create a Div in the HTML File

Create the div on which styling is going to appear and then assign the class:

<div class="safari_only">

  <p>This is a linuxhint.</p>


Step 2: Add Styling

To add style, “@media screen” is used to display different graphics or CSS properties when screen size changes. The “-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0” is a Boolean media feature that is not standard. After that, assign color property to “myClass”:

@media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) // High-resolution screen media query for WebKit-based browsers.


Our webpage looks like this on Chrome and Safari as well:

Step 3: Add CSS Properties for Safari

The “::i-block-chrome” part blocks CSS properties to work on Chrome and makes it work for Safari. For the sake of an example, change the text color from red to blue:

@media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) // High-resolution screen media query for WebKit-based browsers.


After adding this, the webpage looks like this on Chrome and Safari:

The above output shows the same “<p>” tag with the class “myClass” getting different colors on the Safari browser.

Bonus Tip: For the Older Version of Safari

Users can change “Step 3” according to their Safari browser version. Some of the version-specific codes are written below along with the version range:

Safari 10.1+

If the browser version has a range of 6.1 to 10.1. Then, this code sets the value of “Large” for the CSS “font-size” property and it appear only appear on Safari:

@media not all and (min-resolution:.001dpcm)

//Setting Media query targeting devices with a minimum resolution of 0.001 dots per centimeter.

   font-size: large;  }

If this does not work then try to use below alternative code:

@media not all and (min-resolution:.003dpcm) // Media query targeting devices with a minimum resolution of 0.003 dots per centimeter.

 @supports (-webkit-appearance:none)
 { .safari_only
  { font-size: large; }

Safari 11+

The code below works perfectly well for the version over version 11.0. It does not work perfectly well on other browser versions:

@media not all and (min-resolution:.001dpcm) //Setting Media query targeting devices with a minimum resolution of 0.001 dots per centimeter.

 @supports (-webkit-appearance:none) and (stroke-color:transparent)
 .safari_only  { font-size: large;}


The CSS styles can be applied only for the Safari browser by utilizing the code in “@media” queries. There are different sorts of codes for different versions of Safari browser. Users must pick a code that runs perfectly for the browser according to the browser version. That is how the styles can apply to safari only.

About the author

Abdul Moeed

I'm a versatile technical author who thrives on adaptive problem-solving. I have a talent for breaking down complex concepts into understandable terms and enjoy sharing my knowledge and experience with readers of all levels. I'm always eager to help others expand their understanding of technology.