
Is There Any Difference Between Docker Image on Linux and Windows

Docker images are one of the essential components of Docker solutions. These images are a snapshot or templates utilized to create or manage the containers. It not only creates the containers but also guides them on how to containerize or dockerize the project inside the container. Such images are usually huge in size because these contain all instructions, settings, and dependencies required to containerize the project.

This post will demonstrate:

Is There Any Difference Between Docker Image on Linux and Windows?

From a technical point of view, Docker commands for Linux and Windows operating systems are almost identical. Even though most of the options that support these commands are also similar. The primary difference is Docker images on Windows are huge in size and take more disk space than Linux container images. The downloading of Docker images also takes more time than the Linux container’s images.

How to Create Docker Image?

The process of creating the image is almost the same on Linux as well as on Windows. To create the image, first, make a Dockerfile that contains instructions to dockerize the application or program. For this purpose, follow up on the listed steps.

Step 1: Create Program File

First, create a program file that will dockerize through Dockerfile. For doing so, we have to make the “index.html” file to code the HTML program:

    background-color: black;
    font-style: italic;
  <h1> Hello! Welcome to Linuxhint Tutorial</h1>

Step 2: Make Dockerfile

Next, make the Dockerfile that contains the instruction to containerize the HTML program:

FROM nginx:latest
COPY index.html /usr/share/nginx/html/index.html
ENTRYPOINT ["nginx", "-g", "daemon off;"]

Step 3: Create Docker Image

Create a new image from Dockerfile through the provided command. Here, the “-t” option is utilized to define the image name:

docker build -t html-img .   

Step 4: Run Image

After that, execute the Docker image to dockerize the application. The below command will create and execute the container created through Docker image:

docker run -p 80:80 html-img

For the confirmation, navigate to the local host and check if the container is deploying the containerized program or not:

Note: The Linux operating system also follows the same procedure even with the same commands to build or create the Docker image.


The primary difference is Docker images on Windows are huge in size and take more disk space than Linux container images. The downloading of Docker images also takes more time than the Linux container’s images. However, there is not much difference between Docker usage on both platforms, even though the process of creating images and commands is similar. This write-up has demonstrated there is any difference between Docker images on Linux and Windows.

About the author

Rafia Zafar

I am graduated in computer science. I am a junior technical author here and passionate about Programming and learning new technologies. I have worked in JAVA, HTML 5, CSS3, Bootstrap, and PHP.