
How to Do Barrel Roll on Chromebook?

Doing a barrel roll is one of Google Easter Eggs’ functions; through a barrel roll, you can roll your screen. Google Easter Eggs only perform in the Google Chrome browser and on all Chromebooks and not on other browsers. There are also other Google Easter Eggs functions on your Chromebook, and in this article, we will discuss one of them, doing a barrel roll, in detail.

What are Google Easter Eggs

Google Easter Eggs are the hidden features from Google, and when you search for them, you get surprised by their functions. Every Google Easter Egg has its own different ability like some rotate the screens, and some lead towards the coolest changes in the graphical user interface, listed below are some Google Easter Eggs examples:

    • Super Mario Bros
    • Askew
    • Do a Barrel Roll
    • Pacman
    • Google 1998
    • Flip a coin
    • Do a Barrel roll

How to Do Barrel Roll on your Chromebook

You can do a barrel roll on a Chromebook by two ways:

    1. Using Keyboard shortcut
    2. Using Chrome browser

1: Barrel Roll using Keyboard Shortcut

The keyboard shortcut is the simplest and most straightforward method to do a barrel roll on your Chromebook. To do a barrel roll on your Chromebook, simply press the Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Rotate on your Chrome search.

2: Barrel Roll on Chrome Browser

You can perform a barrel roll on your web pages, too, do a barrel roll by following these steps:

Step 1: Open the Chrome browser on your Chromebook:

Step 2: Type “Do a barrel roll” on Chrome search:

Step 3: Wait for the screen to be tilted, and Google search results will roll like a barrel and complete 360 degrees.


Doing the easter eggs on your Chromebook is very entertaining, and it’s only available in the Google Chrome browser and Chromebook officially. There are two ways to do a barrel roll on your Chromebook; follow the above-mentioned methods to do a barrel roll.

About the author

Zainab Rehman

I'm an author by profession. My interest in the internet world motivates me to write for Linux Hint and I'm here to share my knowledge with others.