
What are SQLite and SQLite3? Are they the Same?

A database is like a big collection of information that is kept in a computer system. It is handled by the Database Management System which helps keep the information organized and safe. SQL (Structured Query Language) is a standard programming language that allows users to manage RDBMS (Relational Database Management System) and interact with the database by issuing queries to retrieve, insert, update, or delete data.

SQL has two different implementations SQLite and SQLite3. In this article, we will talk about both and in the end, will tell you whether they are the same or have differences.


SQLite is a widely used software library that offers a comprehensive and reliable relational database management system. The name “lite” in SQLite refers to its lightweight nature, which means it requires minimal resources and minimal database administration. It is composed of a single file and a library that can be easily integrated into various applications. For instance, it can be used for storing bookmarks on web browsers.


  • It is open-source software with zero configuration means it doesn’t require a license after installation.
  • It does not need any server to operate on a system.
  • You can work on multiple databases in the same session.
  • SQLite can be installed and run on almost all operating systems.
  • It does not need any configuration, easy to set up and use.
  • Easily portable.


  • It does not offer some features that other databases do, such as user management, full-text search, and more.
  • It does not validate the data type.
  • It required some work to ensure the security of the data in the database.
  • It is not suitable for big databases.
  • It is not easily scalable.
  • The database size is restricted.


SQLite3 is the third version of SQL and is a terminal-based SQLite library that evaluates queries and displays results in multiple formats. It supports batch processing and can be used in applications like shell scripts. It reads commands and queries and passes them to SQLite for execution.


  • It is a lightweight database so it is fast and efficient.
  • Self-contained database as it does not require any separate server to run.
  • It can be run on various OS.
  • It is open-source, free to operate use and modify.


  • It is not designed for large-scale applications that require complex database management features.
  • It does not have a client-server architecture like other RDBMS.
  • It has limited data types and cannot store certain data like spatial data.

Are SQLite and SQLite3 the Same?

No, SQLite and SQLite3 are not the same. SQLite is the underlying library that provides the database engine while SQLite3 is a tool that allows you to interact with the SQLite database through commands. The command can be executed in the terminal or command prompt. Though they are strongly related to one another and may offer many similar functionalities.


SQLite and SQLite3 are not the same but they are strongly related to one another. SQLite is the database library and SQLite3 is the command line interface that is required to execute the queries of the SQLite or to interact with the SQLite. We have discussed SQLite and SQLite3 in the above section of the guide.

About the author

Zainab Rehman

I'm an author by profession. My interest in the internet world motivates me to write for Linux Hint and I'm here to share my knowledge with others.