How to Use the Weird Parameter in Midjourney?

Midjourney is a generative art platform that allows users to create unique and expressive artworks using various parameters and algorithms. They can explore different styles, colors, shapes, and patterns, and share their creations with the world. But did you know that you can also use some weird and unexpected parameters to create quirky and experimental artwork that will surprise you?

This article will show you how to use weird parameter values and what results you can get from them.

What is the Weird Parameter in Midjourney?

The weird parameter is a feature of the Midjourney AI tool that allows you to create experimental artwork by manipulating the style and content of images. The higher the weird parameter value, the more likely the image will be strange or distorted. The weird parameter can also affect the quality of the image. Higher weird parameter values can sometimes lead to blurry or pixelated images.

How to Use the Weird Parameter in Midjourney?

The weird parameter is a great way to explore the creative potential of the Midjourney AI tool. Here are some examples of how to use the weird parameter in the Midjourney AI tool:

Example 1: Using the Weird Parameter of 0

To create a surreal or dreamlike image, try using a weird parameter value of 0. For instance, try the prompt “a running lion” with a weird parameter of 0 as seen in the below figure:

Example 2: Using the Weird Parameter of 250

To create an image with a more abstract or geometric style, try using a weird parameter value of 250 or lower. For instance, try the prompt “a running lion” with a weird parameter of 250.

Example 3: Using the Weird Parameter of 500

To create an image that is both weird and visually appealing, try mixing higher weird parameter values. For instance, attempt the prompt “a running lion” with a weird parameter of 500.

Example 4: Using the Weird Parameter of 1000

To experiment with different effects, try using different weird parameter values for different prompts. To do so, try the prompt “a running lion” with a weird parameter of 1000:

It is important to experiment with different weird parameter values to find the one that works best for you.

What are the Features of Weird Parameters in Midjourney?

Here are some things to keep in mind when using the weird parameter:

    • It can help you explore new possibilities of artistic expression, challenge your own assumptions and preferences, and discover new aesthetics and meanings in your work.
    • It can also enhance your learning and experimentation process, as you can see how different parameters affect the outcome of your artwork and compare different results.
    • It can make your artwork stand out from the crowd, as it can produce original and distinctive effects that are hard to replicate or imitate by other artists or tools.
    • It can also add an element of fun and surprise to your artistic journey, as you can enjoy the process of playing with different settings and seeing what happens, without worrying too much about the final product.

That is all from the guide.


The weird parameter is a unique feature of Midjourney that allows users to manipulate the style, color, shape, and texture of their artwork in unexpected and creative ways. There are many more hidden features that you can discover by playing around with different combinations of parameters and algorithms. You can also mix and match different styles, such as pixel art, vector art, fractal art, etc., to create even more diverse and interesting artwork.

About the author

Syed Minhal Abbas

I hold a master's degree in computer science and work as an academic researcher. I am eager to read about new technologies and share them with the rest of the world.