
How to Open and Use SQLite File

SQLite database information is stored in a file with the “.db” extension. The SQLite database file can be created at the time of executing the SQLite command or after executing the SQLite command. The commands to access the different content of the SQLite database are not similar to other standard databases. In this tutorial, we will explain the uses of the different SQLite commands to access the content of the SQLite database after creating an SQLite file that contains the tables with data.


You have to complete the following tasks before practicing this tutorial:

A. Run the following command from the terminal to create an SQLite file named “shop.db” that contains the database content:

sqlite3 shop.db

B. Run the following SQL statement to create a table named “items”. The table contains three fields and a primary key:


C. Run the following SQL statement to insert multiple records into the “items” Three records are inserted into the table:

('p-01', 'Pen', 10),
('p-02', 'Pencil', 15),
('p-03', 'Rular', 30);

Different SQLite Commands to Access the SQLite Database

You can get the list of all necessary SQLite commands by executing the following command:


Some portions of the output of the “.help” command are shown here. The uses of the commonly used SQLite commands are shown in the next part of this tutorial.

1. Check the Main Database Path

Run the following SQLite command to check the current database name with the path information and read-write permission:


According to the output, the “shop.db” SQLite database file is stored in the /home/fahmida path.

2. Check the List of the Tables in the Database

Run the following SQLite command to check the list of the tables of the current database:


One table named “items” is created in the “shop.db” database file that is shown in the output.

3. Display the Formatted Structure of the Table

The “.header” SQLite command is used to enable or disable the header option of the output. Run the following SQLite command to enable the header part of the output:

.header ON

The “.mode” SQLite command is used to define the looks of the output. Run the following command to display the column-based output:

.mode COLUMN

Run the following command to display the structure of the “items” table in tabular form:

pragma table_info('items');

The structure of the “items” table is shown in the following output:

4. Display the Table Content in Tabular Format

Three records are inserted in the first part of the tutorial. If the column mode for the output is not set before, run the following SQLite command:

.mode COLUMN

Run the following SQL command to retrieve all records from the “items” table:

SELECT * FROM items;

The following output appears after executing the commands. Three records of the “items” table are shown with the table header:

5. Display the Table Content with Specific Width

If no column width is set for the output, each column value is displayed with 10 characters wide by default. If the content of the column is too long, the value is shortened. The “.width” command of SQLite is used to set the custom width of the column in the output.

Run the following SQLite command to set the width of the first column to 6 characters, the second column to 25 characters, and the third column to 5 characters:

.width 6 25 5

Run the following SQLite command to set the mode of the output to the column:

.mode COLUMN

Run the following SQL command to read all records from the “items” table:

SELECT * FROM items;

The following output shows the records of the “items” table based on the width that is set by the “.width” command.

6. Display the Table Content in CSV Format

The content of the SQLite table can be displayed in the CSV format using the “.mode” and “.separator” commands.

Run the following SQLite command to print the output in the list format:

.mode list

Run the following SQLite command to print the output by separating the columns with a comma (,):

.separator ", "

Run the following SQL command to read all records from the “items” table:

SELECT * FROM items;

The output of the commands is printed in the CSV format.

7. Write the Output into the File

In the previous examples, the output of the commands is printed in the terminal. But the output can be saved into a file using the “.output” SQLite command.

Run the following command to print the output into the “items_data.txt” file:

.output items_data.txt

Run the following SQLite command to print the output by separating the columns with a comma (,):

.separator ", "

Run the following SQL command to read all records from the “items” table:

SELECT * FROM items;

No output is printed here because the output of the SELECT command is written in the “items_data.txt” file:

Run the following command to check the content of the “items_data.txt” file:

cat items_data.txt

According to the output, the “items_data.txt” file contains the records of the “items” table.

8. Terminate from the SQLite

Run the following command to exit from the sqlite3:



The methods of opening a new or existing SQLite file and performing different types of database operations using the SQLite commands are shown in this tutorial.

About the author

Fahmida Yesmin

I am a trainer of web programming courses. I like to write article or tutorial on various IT topics. I have a YouTube channel where many types of tutorials based on Ubuntu, Windows, Word, Excel, WordPress, Magento, Laravel etc. are published: Tutorials4u Help.