Milvus Insert Entities into Collections

In this post, we will explore how to use the Milvus client that is provided by the PyMilvus SDK to create a Milvus collection and add the data.


To follow along with this post, ensure that you have the following:

  1. Installed Milvus Server on your machine
  2. Python 3.10 and above
  3. PyMilvus

PyMilvus Collection

The “collection” method in PyMilvus is a constructor method that allows us to create a collection with the defined schema or to fetch an existing collection with the provided name.

The method syntax is as follows:

Collection(name, schema=None, using='default', shards_num=2, **kwargs)

The parameters are explained in the following:

  1. Name – This specifies the name of the collection that you wish to create or get.
  2. Schema – It defines the schema of the collection to create.
  3. Properties – This denotes a dictionary that contains the properties for modifying the collection.
  4. Using – It defines which Milvus connection is used to create the collection.
  5. Shards_num – The shards_num parameter sets the number of shards of the collection to create.
  6. Num_partitions – This sets the number of logical partitions that are allocated for the collection.
  7. kwargs: consistency_level – It sets with consistency level to create the collection.

Return Value

The function returns a new collection object that is created with the specified schema or an existing collection object by name.

Example Usage:

In the following example code, we demonstrate how to use the “collection” method to create a collection that stores the film information. This includes the vector information, data types, etc.

from pymilvus import CollectionSchema, FieldSchema, DataType, Collection

film_id = FieldSchema(
title = FieldSchema(
release_year = FieldSchema(
genres = FieldSchema(

schema = CollectionSchema(
    fields=[film_id, title, release_year, genres],
    description="Film information",

collection_name = "film"
collection = Collection(

    auto_id: False,
    description: "Film information",
    fields: [
            name: film_id,
            description: "",
            type: 5,
            is_primary: True,
            auto_id: False,
            name: title,
            description: "",
            type: 1,
            name: release_year,
            description: "",
            type: 5,
            name: genres,
            description: "",
            type: 101,
            params: {"dim": 10},

'Film information'


    name: film_id,
    description: "",
    type: 5,
    is_primary: True,
    auto_id: False,

Add Entities in Milvus

Let us proceed and learn how to insert the entities into the film collection. The first step is to prepare the data to insert. For this, we use the Python random module with a random data.

num_documents = 100  # Number of documents to generate

for _ in range(num_documents):
    document = {
        "film_id": random.randint(1, 1000),
        "title": "Film " + str(random.randint(1, 100)),
        "release_year": random.randint(1900, 2023),
        "genres": [random.choice(["Action", "Comedy", "Drama", "Sci-Fi"]) for _ in range(10)]

Once you have the data ready, you can use the collection.insert() method to add the entities to the collection.


You can then verify the collection data.


This should return the total number of entities in that collection.


In this post, we discussed how we can create a collection in Milvus and use the Python random module to insert the entities into the film collection.

About the author

John Otieno

My name is John and am a fellow geek like you. I am passionate about all things computers from Hardware, Operating systems to Programming. My dream is to share my knowledge with the world and help out fellow geeks. Follow my content by subscribing to LinuxHint mailing list