
How to find the average of a list in Python

Calculating the average of a list is a common task in programming, as it helps us gain insights into the data at hand. In Python, a popular and versatile programming language, several approaches can be implemented to efficiently compute the average of a list.

This article examines the various approaches taken to accomplish the task of determining a list’s average.

How to Find the Average of a List in Python?

Below are some of the methods to find the average of a list in Python.

Approach 1: Finding the Average of the List Using the Iterative Method

One straightforward approach is to use an iterative loop to traverse the list, sum up all the elements and then divide the sum by the number of elements. This method, while simple and intuitive, might be cumbersome for large lists.

Following is the demonstration:

def Avg(list):
            sum_list = 0
            for i in range(len(list)):
                        sum_list += list[i]
            avg = sum_list/len(list)
            return avg
list = [2, 43, 25, 74, 44]
avg = Avg(list)
print("Average of the list =", avg)


In this code:

  • To maintain track of the sum of the items, the function initializes a variable called “sum_list” with a list as its input.
  • A “for” loop is then used to repeatedly iterate through the list, adding each entry to the “sum_list”.
  • The function returns the average, which is the value that is kept in the variable “avg”.
  • An example “list” is constructed then. With this list, the function “Avg” calculates the total of the items and divides it by the list’s length. The average is then printed on the console.


Approach 2: Finding the Average of the List Using the “sum()” and “len()” Functions

Python offers the built-in “sum()” and “len()” functions, which can be employed to calculate the sum of all list elements and retrieve the number of elements, respectively. By dividing the sum by the count, we can obtain the average. This method reduces the complexity of the code and can handle large lists efficiently:

num = [23, 4, 73, 4, 15]

average = sum(num) / len(num)
print(f"The average of the list is: {average}")


The above code lines determine the average of the numbers in the specified list i.e., “num”. There are five items on the list. The code adds up each member in the list and divides the result by the total number of elements via the “len()” function in the list i.e., 5 to determine the average. Lastly, the average of the list is shown using the “print()” method.


Approach 3: Finding the Average of the List Using the “reduce()” and “lambda()” Functions

Python’s functools library provides a “reduce()” function that performs the specified operation on a list while reducing it to a single value. By utilizing the “lambda()” and “reduce()” functions, we can simplify the loop and compute the list’s sum:

from functools import reduce

num_list = [23, 54, 2, 4, 42]

sum_list = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, num_list)

print("Sum of numbers:", sum_list)
average = sum_list / len(num_list)
print("Average:", average)


In this block of code:

  • Firstly, import the “reduce” function from the “functools” module.
  • Contain the stated five integers in the defined list i.e., “num_list“.
  • The sum of all the numbers is then calculated using the “reduce()” function, which successively applies a lambda function to the target list items. The total of the two inputs, “x” and “y“, is what the lambda function returns.
  • As a result, the “reduce()” function executes the calculations, giving “sum_list” the value 125.
  • After then, the average is determined by dividing the total number of numbers by the number of “num_list” components. The average and sum of the integers are then displayed using the “print()” method.


Approach 4: Finding the Average of the List Using “numpy” Library

To engage in more advanced calculations involving large datasets, the “numpy” library provides a powerful alternative. NumPy efficiently handles large arrays and offers a range of statistical functions, including “average()”. By applying the “average()” function directly to the list, we can obtain the average with improved performance, as follows:

import numpy
def Average(list):
            avg = numpy.average(list)
list = [15, 9, 55, 34, 49]
print("Average of the list =", round(Average(list), 2))


In this code:

  • First, import the “numpy” library.
  • In the next step, define the “Average()” function, which accepts a list of numbers as its argument.
  • The average of the numbers in the input list is calculated inside the function using the “numpy.average()” function that returns the calculated average.
  • A “list” is then defined and passed as an argument to the “Average()” function, and the output is saved in the “avg” variable.
  • For better presentation, the average is rounded to two decimal places using the “round()” function. The average of the list is then displayed by the code using the “print()” method.


Approach 5: Finding the Average of the List Using the “statistics” Module

Python’s “statistics” module provides specialized functions for statistical operations. You may easily determine the average of a list using the “mean()” function from this module. However, it is important to note that importing additional modules might slightly affect the performance of the code.

Following is the code example:

import statistics

num = [45, 2, 54, 2, 34]

average = statistics.mean(num)
print(f"The average of the numbers is: {average}")


Here, we have a list named “num” comprising the stated integers. Using the “mean()” function from the “statistics” module, we can quickly obtain the average of the values without having to manually calculate the total and divide it.


Approach 6: Finding the Average of the List Using Error Handling

When finding the average of a list, it is essential to consider potential errors, such as an empty list. By implementing error-handling techniques, such as conditional statements, we can gracefully handle such cases and prevent unintended crashes or inaccurate results.

Below is the demonstration:

num = []
if num:
    average = sum(num) / len(num)
    print(f"The average of the list: {average}")
    print("The list is empty.")


In this code:

  • First, create a blank list named “num“.
  • The “if” statement is then used to determine whether the list “num” is not empty.
  • The “len()” function is used to determine the number of elements (also 0) and the “sum()” function is used to determine the sum of all the elements in the list (which will be 0 in this case as the list is empty).
  • If the list is not empty, the average is calculated. As a result, it would be incorrect to divide the sum by the length of the list. The code instead enters the “else” block and outputs “The list is empty.”.



Python offers several effective and adaptable ways for calculating the average of a list. By using iterative loops, built-in functions, libraries, or specialized modules, programmers can choose the most appropriate approach to perform the discussed functionality.

About the author

Hiba Shafqat

I am a Computer Science student and a committed technical writer by choice. It is a great pleasure to share my knowledge with the world in which I have academic expertise.