
Emulate the Do-While Loop in Python

Most of the standard programming languages have three types of loops to iterate some statement multiple times. These are the while loop, for loop, and the do-while loop. The while and for loop are available in Python but Python has no do-while loop. The do-while loop can be implemented by using another loop. In the do-while loop, the condition is tested after inserting the loop. So, the statements of the do-loop execute at least once even if the condition may not be matched. The ways of emulating the do-while loop in Python have been shown in this tutorial.

Implement a Do-While Loop Using the While Loop

The while loop can be used in different ways to implement the functionality of the do-while loop. Generally, the while loop checks the condition at the beginning of the loop to start the iteration. So, if the condition is set to True, the while loop will work like the do-while loop. This type of while loop will work like the infinite loop and the loop will be terminated based on the particular condition. The syntax of this type of loop is given below.


while True:


if condition:




while condition:


reset condition

The statements of the above loop will be executed at least once like the do-while loop and the loop will iterate until it matches the ‘if’ condition, and executes the ‘break’ statement or matches the particular condition. Different uses of the while loop to implement the logic of do-while in Python have been shown by using various examples.

Example-1: Emulate the Do-While Loop Using the While Loop

Create a Python file with the following script to print the numbers from 30 to 10 with the interval of 5 by using a while loop. Here, the condition of the loop is set to True to start the iteration of the loop. The number variable is initialized to 30 before starting the execution of the loop. The value of the number will be decreased by 5 in each iteration of the loop. When the value of the number reached 10, then the ‘break’ statement will be executed and terminated from the loop.

#Initialize a number
number = 30
#Declare infinite while loop
while True:
    #Print the current value of a number
    print("The current value of the number is %d" % number)
    #Decrement the number value
    number = number - 5
    #Check the condition to terminate from the loop
    if number <= 10:


The following output will appear after executing the above script.

Example-2: Emulate the Do-While Loop Using the While Loop Without the ‘If’ Condition

Create a Python file with the following script to take a number from the user repeatedly until the user provides a number greater than or equal to 50. The check variable is set to True to start the iteration of the while loop like the do-while loop. The value of this variable has been changed at the end of the loop to terminate the loop.

#Set the condition for the loop
check = True
#Declare the loop
while check:
    #Take a number value from the user
    number = int(input("Enter a number value: "))
    #Print the value taken from the user
    print("The number is %d" % number)
    #Reset the condition for the loop
    check = number >= 50


The following output will appear for the input values of 70, 55, and 30 after executing the above script.

Example-3: Emulate the Do-While Loop Using a While Loop with Multiple Break Statements

Create a Python file with the following script to take the username and password for the authentication, and the user can provide the username and password for a maximum of three times if he/she is unable to authenticate in previous attempts. The first ‘break’ statement will be executed and terminated from the loop if the taken username and password are valid. The second ‘break’ statement will be executed and terminated from the loop if the wrong username or password is provided three times.

counter = 3
#Define while loop
while True:
    #Take input from the user
    username = input("Enter username: ")
    password = input("Enter password: ")
    '''Check the username and password
       and terminate from the loop for the valid user

    if username == 'Admin' and password == 'secret':
       print('Valid user.')
       #Decrement the counter value
       counter = counter - 1
       #Check the counter value to terminate from the loop
       if counter == 0:
       #Print the error message
       print("Username or password is incorrect")
       #Print the number of login attempts left
       print("You have %d login attempts left." % counter)


The following output will appear for providing an invalid and valid username and password after executing the above script.

Example-4: Emulate the Do-While Loop Using the While Loop Using a Random Number

Create a Python file with the following script to generate a random integer within 10 to 99 and terminate the loop based on the random value. Three ‘break’ statements have been added in the script to terminate the loop based on three conditions.

#Import randint module
from random import randint
#Define the loop
while True:
    #Generate a random number
    number = randint(10, 99)
    #Print the number
    print('Generated number is %d' %number)
    #Continue the loop if the number is less than 60
    if number < 60:
        print('You can try again.')
    #Terminate from the loop if the number is less than 70
    elif number < 70:
        print('You won the 3rd prize.')
    #Terminate from the loop if the number is less than 80
    elif number < 80:
        print('You won the 2nd prize.')
    #Terminate from the loop if the number is more than or equal to 80
        print('You won the 1st price.')


The following similar output will appear after executing the above script. The script has been executed four times and four types of outputs have been generated based on the random value.


Different ways of implementing a do-while loop in Python by using a while loop have been shown in this tutorial using simple examples to help the Python users. The ‘for’ loop can be used also to do the same task.

About the author

Fahmida Yesmin

I am a trainer of web programming courses. I like to write article or tutorial on various IT topics. I have a YouTube channel where many types of tutorials based on Ubuntu, Windows, Word, Excel, WordPress, Magento, Laravel etc. are published: Tutorials4u Help.