
Python Merge Dictionaries

A dictionary refers to a collection of unordered items in key-value pairs. Dictionaries are a popular and versatile data structure that can help store associated data.

In Python, dictionaries are mutable. This means that we can change the values of a dictionary after declaration.

This tutorial will teach you various ways of ‘concatenating’ two dictionaries into one.

Using the Pipe Operator

In Python 3 and above, you can use the pipe (|) operator to concatenate two dictionaries into 1.

An example is shown below:

relational = {'MySQL': 3306, 'PostgreSQL': 5432, 'Oracle': 1521}

other = {'Redis': 6379, 'MongoDB': 27017}

all = relational | other


The code above should append the second dictionary to the first one in order of appearance.

This should result in a new dictionary as shown:

{'MySQL': 3306, 'PostgreSQL': 5432, 'Oracle': 1521, 'Redis': 6379, 'MongoDB': 27017}

Using a for loop

We can also append two dictionaries using a for loop. It works by iterating over each key and value of one dictionary and appending it to the other.

An example is shown below:

relational = {'MySQL': 3306, 'PostgreSQL': 5432, 'Oracle': 1521}

other = {'Redis': 6379, 'MongoDB': 27017}

all = relational.copy() # copy the array

for k, v in other.items():

all[k] = v


In the example above, we start by copying the first dictionary into the dictionary we wish to append. We then loop over each key and value of the second dictionary using the items() method.

Finally, we append the key and value to the copied dictionary.

The resulting output is as shown:

{'MySQL': 3306, 'PostgreSQL': 5432, 'Oracle': 1521, 'Redis': 6379, 'MongoDB': 27017}

Using the ** Operator

The **kwargs operator in Python allows us to pass any number of arguments to a function. Hence, we can use this trick to unpack dictionaries into a new dict.

An example is illustrated below:

relational = {'MySQL': 3306, 'PostgreSQL': 5432, 'Oracle': 1521}

other = {'Redis': 6379, 'MongoDB': 27017}

all = {**relational, **other}


The code above should return:

{'MySQL': 3306, 'PostgreSQL': 5432, 'Oracle': 1521, 'Redis': 6379, 'MongoDB': 27017}

Using the Update Method

We can also use the update() method in Python dictionaries to merge two or more dictionaries.

An example usage is shown below:

relational = {'MySQL': 3306, 'PostgreSQL': 5432, 'Oracle': 1521}

other = {'Redis': 6379, 'MongoDB': 27017}

all = relational.copy()



In the example above, we start by copying the first dictionary. This helps us prevent overwriting the first dictionary.

Using ChainMap Method

We can also use the ChainMap method from the collections module to merge two dictionaries.

The ChainMap function allows us to group two or more dictionaries into a single updatable view.

An example is as shown:

from collections import ChainMap

all = ChainMap(relational, other)


The ChainMap should take the dictionaries as the parameters and returns a merged dictionary as shown:

ChainMap({'MySQL': 3306, 'PostgreSQL': 5432, 'Oracle': 1521}, {'Redis': 6379, 'MongoDB': 27017})

Note that the resulting type is not a native Python dictionary but a class.collections.ChainMap type.


In this article, we dove deep into various methods of merging two or more dictionaries in Python.

About the author

John Otieno

My name is John and am a fellow geek like you. I am passionate about all things computers from Hardware, Operating systems to Programming. My dream is to share my knowledge with the world and help out fellow geeks. Follow my content by subscribing to LinuxHint mailing list