
Zsh Scripting Lesson: Advanced String Manipulation and Pattern Matching

Zsh (Z shell) is a powerful and versatile shell that offers extensive features for string manipulation and pattern matching.

In this tutorial, we will explore the various techniques and commands to work with strings and patterns in Zsh scripts.

String Basics

In Zsh, we can assign the values to string variables using the “=” operator. This is a common use case when defining the variables as shown in the following example:

str="Hello, World!"

We must enclose a string in single or double quotes to let the shell know that the value of the variable is as sting.

We can also determine the length of a string using the ${#variable} notation. For instance:

str ="Hello, World!"
length=${#str }
echo "Length of the string is $length"

This returns the length of the string as 13.

The next part of the string manipulation technique in Zsh is substring extraction. We can extract a substring from a given string using the ${variable[start,length]} notation.

An example is as follows:

str ="Hello, World!"
substring=${str [7,5]}
echo "Substring: $substring"


Substring: World.

String Concatenation

To concatenate two strings, we can use the “=” operator or simply place them together.

string2=" World"
echo $concatenated

This joins the specified strings into a single string entity.

Pattern Matching

Asterisk (*) Wildcard

The first wildcard that we can use in pattern matching is the asterisk. The “*” wildcard matches zero or more characters. For example:

echo $pattern

This matches the files like “file1.txt”, “file123.txt”, etc.

Question Mark (?) Wildcard

The second is the question mark wildcard. For this one, the “?” wildcard matches a single character. For example:

echo $pattern

This matches the files like “file1.txt”, “fileA.txt”, etc.

Character Classes ([])

Third, we have the character classes that allow us to specify a set of characters to match against. For instance:

echo $pattern

In this case, the pattern matches the files like “1file.txt”, “2file.txt”, etc.

Regular Expressions

Regular expressions provide powerful pattern matching capabilities in Zsh. By default, Zsh supports basic regular expressions with the “=~” operator.


if [[ $string =~ ^m.SQL $ ]]; then

echo "Match found!"


echo "No match found."


The given code matches MySQL.

You can also enable the extended regular expressions with the “set -o extendedglob” command. For example:

set -o extendedglob


if [[ $string =~ m(S|Q)L ]]; then

echo "Match found!"


echo "No match found."


Parameter Expansion

Parameter expansion is a powerful feature in Zsh to manipulate the strings.


In this tutorial, we covered the most fundamental concept of working with advanced string manipulation and pattern matching.

About the author

John Otieno

My name is John and am a fellow geek like you. I am passionate about all things computers from Hardware, Operating systems to Programming. My dream is to share my knowledge with the world and help out fellow geeks. Follow my content by subscribing to LinuxHint mailing list