
What Does ~ Mean in MATLAB

The tilde (~) symbol in MATLAB is a logical operator that represents negation or logical NOT. It is commonly used to discard or ignore function outputs, variables, or specific elements in an array. This article provides an explanation of the (~)symbol in MATLAB and presents multiple examples to illustrate its usage.

What Does ~ Mean in MATLAB

In MATLAB, the tilde (~) symbol can be used in various contexts to achieve different functionalities, here are some examples:

Example 1: Ignoring Function Outputs

When calling a function that returns multiple outputs, but you are only interested in a subset of them, you can use the tilde to discard the unwanted outputs. For example:

% Sample data

data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];

% Ignoring unwanted outputs

[~, medianValue, ~] = calculateStats(data);

% Display the median value

disp('Median Value:');


% Function to calculate statistics

function [meanValue, medianValue, stdValue] = calculateStats(data)

meanValue = mean(data);

medianValue = median(data);

stdValue = std(data);


In this code, the calculateStats() function takes in a dataset (data) as input and calculates the mean, median, and standard deviation. However, since we are only interested in the median value, we use the tilde symbol (~) to ignore the mean and standard deviation outputs. The median value is assigned to the variable medianValue.

Example 2: Discarding Variables

If you have a variable that you don’t intend to use further in your code, you can use the tilde to indicate its omission. For instance:

% Assigning a value to x

x = 10;

% Ignoring the first output

[~, y] = calculateResult(x);

% Display the value of y

disp('Value of y:');


function [result1, result2] = calculateResult(input)

result1 = input * 2; % Some computation

result2 = input + 5; % Some other computation


In this code, we first assign the value 10 to the variable x, then the calculateResult() function takes an input value and performs some computations to produce two results. However, since we are only interested in the second output, we use the tilde symbol (~) to ignore the first output:

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Example 3: Negating Logical Expressions

The tilde can be used to negate logical expressions. For instance:

% Initial value of the flag

flag = true;

% Negate the value of 'flag' using the tilde

flag = ~flag;

% Display the updated value of the flag

disp('Updated Value of flag:');


In this code, we start with an initial value of true assigned to the variable flag. The line flag = ~flag; utilizes the tilde symbol (~) to negate the value of flag. The tilde in this context acts as a logical operator, flipping the value of the flag from true to false or vice versa.

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By utilizing the tilde (~) symbol in MATLAB, you can efficiently handle situations where you need to ignore variables or function outputs. It provides a concise and effective way to streamline your code and focus on the relevant information while disregarding the unnecessary.

About the author

Aaliyan Javaid

I am an electrical engineer and a technical blogger. My keen interest in embedded systems has led me to write and share my knowledge about them.