
How to Throw Knife in Breaking Point – Roblox

Breaking Point is a survival mode game in which players have two types of weapons one is a gun and the other is a knife. The choice of weapons mainly depends on the host of the game. Usually, players like to play with knives. To win the game one must muster up his/her skills on throwing a knife as it is quite difficult to throw a knife on an opponent player. If you are new to this game and do not know how to throw a knife, then read this guide.

Throwing a Knife in Breaking Point Roblox

The Breaking Point as mentioned above is a survival mode game in which usually there are two types of modes. In one mode the weapon is passed to each of the players and the player can kill any other player sitting on the table. In the other mode two players are selected and after the countdown both players have to fight, and the winner gets back on to the table:

Now to kill the opponent using a knife is by aiming on it while holding and pressing the left mouse key when the aim icon turns red then release the mouse key to throw the knife. To have a successful attempt one needs to be fast and vigilant so that the knife should not miss the target.


Throwing a knife in Breaking Point is easy but the main part is the knife hitting the opponent successfully which seems to be quite tough. Aim on the opponent, press, and hold the left key of the mouse, once the attack icon turns red release the mouse key.

About the author

Aaliyan Javaid

I am an electrical engineer and a technical blogger. My keen interest in embedded systems has led me to write and share my knowledge about them.