
How to Use the Select Class in the Dropdown in Selenium

Every tester is aware that the most popular tool for automated end-to-end testing of a website is Selenium. This article focuses on how a website’s dropdown menu can be searched for web elements. This article describes the “Select” class and different “Select” methods in selenium. This article performs the sample example to make you understand through code implementation. To do this, we will perform some several very important and necessary steps in Java JDK and Eclipse editor by utilizing the Selenium framework code for program execution. Before writing the script, we tend to install Java JDK and Eclipse, add the selenium Jars libraries, and configure the dependencies along with the browser drivers.

Setup the Select Dropdown Development Environment

Before we start to work on the select dropdown method, make sure to install and configure the following:

  • Install Java and configure the Java path
  • Install IDE (Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA)
  • Create a new Java project
  • Download and configure the Selenium jars
  • Configure the Lets JDK version library in Eclipse
  • Download and configure the browser driver
  • Download and configure WebDriverManager

Add the External Jars of Selenium

To perform this step, download the Selenium jars files, TestNG jars, and maven dependencies first from google. Then, go to the project => build and configure the option>Java Build Path>libraries to add those downloaded external jars as shown in the following figure:

Setup the Dependencies in Java Eclipse

We must include the basic dependencies like TestNG and Selenium in the pom.xml file before we can begin developing the Maven code.

Follow the necessary steps to configure the dependencies:

  • Within the same project, we receive the Pom.xml file.
  • We must enter a dependence code for each tool in the Pom.xml file before downloading the TestNG and Selenium dependency jar.
  • Enter the “Maven repositories” in the Google search bar, click the link that appears, and search for TestNG and/or Selenium dependencies to acquire the dependency code.



How to Select the Dropdown in Selenium

In this tutorial, we will help you understand how to handle the Select dropdown class. To perform this task, we go to the “sugar crm” site and go to the “Get a demo page” at Notice the “how did you hear about us?” dropdown box there.

The method to select and handle a value from a dropdown in Selenium is as follows:

Step 1: Browse the Website

Consider the example site which is located at The figure is as shown in the following:

We target the dropdown list “Get a demo page” and select the option automatically as illustrated in the previous figure.

Step 2: Configure the WebDiverManager

WebDriverManager is a library that allows automating the management of the binary drives (chromedriver, getkodriver, etc. which are required by selenium web driver) help in compatibility with the different versions of brewers. It is not required to download the latest version and configure them.

The following script is used to configure the WebDriverManager:


Step 3: Setup the WebDriver

In this step, set up the browser driver through the following script where the Chrome browser is used:

ChromeDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();

Step 4: Launch the Browser

In this step, the Chrome browser opens the given website URL. In this example, use the site.

Use the following script method:


Step 5: Select the WebElement

Through the previous code script, the browser opens the site automatically. We inspect the webpage and find the window as shown in the following figure:

Step 6: Select the Locator of the SELECT Class

In this step, we go to the <select></select> tag and provide a locator of the select web element to identify the element on the webpage. Locators are identified such as name, id, and class. In the following figure, it can be noticed that there are some locators such as id, class, and name. So, for this example, we pick up the “name” as a webelement identifier. The name of the select is “awareness_source_c”.

Example code:


In the previous code, “By” is a class where we use the method to find the web element.

Step 7: Add the WebElemet Object

A Selenium WebElement is essentially an HTML element on a webpage. HTML components are used in HTML documents. Both a start tag and an end tag are part of every HTML element. Between the tags is the content.

  • Nearly all DOM elements on a web page are subject to the WebElement Selenium WebDriver methods.
  • The WebElement interface, in which the Selenium uses to communicate with both visible and invisible web page elements, serves as Selenium’s representation of each WebElement.

Here is the syntax:

WebElement variableName = driver.findElement(By.locator(“locator name”))

Example code:

WebElement ddrown = driver.findElement("awareness_source_c"));

Step 8: Create the Object of the SELECT Class

The HTML SELECT tag is implemented in Selenium by the Select class. The select and deselect capabilities are provided to the helper methods by a select tag. Select is a typical class, thus the term “New” creates its object and indicates where the web element should be located.

In this step, we learn to use a SELECT method that provides a helper method to select and deselect the option.

The syntax is given as follows:

Select objVariable = new Select (WebElement element)

Example code:

Select select = new Select(ddrown);

Create a “select” object of a SELECT class. And import SELECT from the Selenium library.

Step 9: SELECT Class Methods

The following are the approaches to a dropdown list that are most frequently used:

1. selectByVisibleText
This technique is used to choose an option from a dropdown menu or several selection boxes. It accepts a String parameter, one of the values for the Select element, and gives back nothing.

The following is the syntax:


Example code:


2. selectByIndex
This method is comparable to “selectByVisibleText”. But here, the user must supply the option’s index number rather than the text. It requires an integer parameter, the Select element’s index value, and returns nothing.

The syntax is attached as follows:

Example code:

3. selectByValue
This method is comparable to “selectByVisibleText”. But here, the user must supply the option’s index number rather than the text. It requires an integer parameter, the Select element’s index value, and returns nothing.

The following is the syntax:


Example code:


Here is the complete code:

public class DropDownElement {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//setup of webdriver manager
ChromeDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
//launch site
//find element locator by name
WebElement ddrown = driver.findElement("awareness_source_c"));
//select dropdown
Select select = new Select(ddrown);
//select methods
//select by index
//select by text
//select by visible

As in the previous code, we noticed that the SELECT class uses the method to find the <select> tag on the webpage. We implement three methods and find the following “event” option:


We can see that the code is successfully executed and the “how did you hear about us?” in the drop down box is selected by three different methods.


This article guides the SELECT class usage and tests three different methods to select the option from the dropdown list. The Select class in Selenium is very helpful when it comes to testing that choice in websites because the dropdown lists are a prevalent element on most websites. For this, we installed the Java JDK and Eclipse along with the Selenium jar libraries for “automate control tool software” in the system. Using the Java language, we write the code to set the browser driver, launch the browser driver, and use the SELECT method to select the options from the dropdown list automatically. In the end, we demonstrated the results on the browser which shows that the “Event” option is selected. Finally, we closed the browser.

About the author

Kalsoom Bibi

Hello, I am a freelance writer and usually write for Linux and other technology related content