
How to Say Discord in Roblox

On Roblox platform people of different age groups play games and most of them are under 13 years so that is why Roblox keeps a quite strict filtering policy. If you simply write discord either in-game or in a private chat outside the game, it filters it out. Anyways read this guide to look for different ways that can be used to say discord in Roblox.

5 Ways of Saying Discord in Roblox

As mentioned above, due to age restrictions saying discord is banned on Roblox, another reason for that is the increasing number of scammers that try to scam the players on Roblox. Still there are five ways by which you can say discord in Roblox:

Changing the Spelling

One way to say Discord in Roblox either in the in-game chat or in a private chat is to alter the spelling of the word like “thiskord”. Try to keep the sound of the word similar so that the other player can easily understand:

Adding Discord ID in Group or Game Description

The simple and easy way to say Discord on Roblox is to add discord ID under the game description or under the group description. One thing you needs to remember that while mentioning the Discord ID in the description you mustn’t add the hashtag symbol:

Sharing the Discord Link

If you want other players to join your Discord channel then you can convey the message or send the channel invite by sending the code in the invite line in the chat box:

Using Symbols

Symbols can also be used to write Discord like adding a mark of exclamation, dollar sign or any other similar one like “TH!SCHORDE”. This way Roblox would not filter out the Discord word and other player will get this message as well:

Using Numbers

Another way to say Discord on Roblox is by adding numbers after each alphabet, this way Roblox will not detect Discord like “D15C0R4DE5”. Moreover, you can replace alphabets with the numbers that looks similar like replace I with 1 and s with 5:

NOTE: If all your friends have done the age verification on Roblox and are above 18 then you do not need to use such ways while communicating with each other. However, on the other hand if you’re communicating with someone under the age of 18 or 13 then these methods can be used. Same is the case when playing games.


Discord is a well-known communication application just like WhatsApp, but Discord is mostly used by gamers to communicate with friends while playing games on voice chat. Due to the age restriction, it is banned to say discord on Roblox however if you do not come under restrictions then this word will not be filtered. There are five ways to say Roblox without being censored: using numbers, giving channel invites, adding links in game or group description, using symbols, and using different spellings.

About the author

Aaliyan Javaid

I am an electrical engineer and a technical blogger. My keen interest in embedded systems has led me to write and share my knowledge about them.