Rocky Linux

How to Run Kickstart with Rocky Linux 9

Kickstart is a fantastic feature that allows the system administrators to deploy and manage multiple Linux systems. It is the built-in feature of various Linux distros including RHEL, Fedora, and CentOS. The system administrators can use Kickstart to define the standard configuration for the OS installations in the single configuration file.

This configuration file ensures that all the installed systems have the same settings like network configuration, package management, partitioning, etc. Hence, Kickstart is a great feature to automate the Linux installations and smoothen the work of the system administrators. In this guide, we will explain the brief details about the simple way to run Kickstart with Rocky Linux 9.

How to Run Kickstart with Rocky Linux 9

Kickstart comes as the preinstalled utility in Rocky Linux, you can install it through the following commands one by one:

sudo dnf update

sudo dnf install pykickstart

Now, it is time to create a configuration file of Kickstart through the text editors like Nano or Vi. Let’s open the Nano editor using the following command:

sudo nano ksconfig.cfg

The system opens the “ksconfig” file in the terminal, so you can now add the basic configuration:

# Basic system installation info


lang en_US.UTF-8


firewall --enabled

# version=RockyLinux9

timezone Asia/Kolkata

# Network configuration

network --bootproto dhcp

# User Account

user --name=adminuser --password=Pass@123

# Root password

rootpw --iscrypted=Pass@123

# Included Packages






The previous information stands for specific parameters such as:

  • keyboard=us: It is the keyboard language; we use a US keyboard.
  • firewall –enabled: It is used to enable the firewalld by default.
  • timezone Asia/Kolkata: It shows the timezone of the systems; we use the Asia/Kolkata timezone.
  • rootpw –iscrypted=Pass@123: It sets the root password for the system.

Once you are done, save the file in the system. Moreover, you can also perform various changes in the packages or partitioning schemes. Let’s take an example of all the modifications that you can try in the configuration file.

If you want to select a specific package for the installation, mention all these packages in the configuration file:

# Package installation





In the previous information, we used the “*” after firefox which means that the system does not install Firefox in the OS.

To clear all the existing partitions and create the new one, you follow the given configuration file as the partitioning scheme:

# Disk partition scheme

clearpart --all --initlabel


Let’s now create the Kickstart configuration file which includes custom packages, partitioning, and post-installation information:

# version=RockyLinux9


lang en_US.UTF-8


firewall --enabled

timezone Asia/Kolkata

clearpart --all --drives=sda

user --name=adminuser --password=Pass@123

rootpw --iscrypted=Pass@123







echo "Installation is successful." > /root/install-successful.txt


Finally, you can validate the Kickstart configuration file through the following command in the terminal:

ksvalidator ~/ksconfig.cfg

How to Use Kickstart in Rocky Linux 9

First, paste the Kickstart config file to access it in the installation. For example, you can paste it into the installation media or any network file server.

After that, boot your system and run the following command to specify the location of the Kickstart config file:

linux ks=file:<path of the file>/kickstart.cfg

Once you are done, the system checks the information from the Kickstart config file and applies everything accordingly.


This is all about how you can configure and run Kickstart in Rocky Linux 9. We explained the various configuration file types that you can use to create a specific config file to fulfill your requirements. Kickstart is a fantastic tool that you can use as a Linux administrator to manage multiple systems simultaneously.

About the author

Prateek Jangid

A passionate Linux user for personal and professional reasons, always exploring what is new in the world of Linux and sharing with my readers.