
Ruby Array Delete Element

If you think of an array as a database, one acronym comes to mind: CRUD—Create, read, update, and delete. This tutorial will discuss how to create, read, update, and delete elements in an array.

How to Create an A Ruby Array

In Ruby, we can create an array by enclosing a collection of comma-separated values in pair of square brackets.

For example:

myarray = [1,2,3,4,5,6]

Each item in an array is known as an element, and it can be of any valid object such as integer, float, string, hashes, and more.

You can also create an array in Ruby using the new class method. For example:

myarray =

To define the array size during creation, you can pass the size of the array in parenthesis as:

myarray =

The above example has a size of 10 elements.

How to Read Array Elements

The first step to reading an array in Ruby is printing it out. In such a case, we can use built-in ruby methods such as print and puts:

myarray = [1,2,3,4,5,6]

print myarray

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

Using the print method will return the elements in an array all in a single line.

The example below uses the puts command to show the elements in the array:

myarray = [1,2,3,4,5,6]

puts myarray





Unlike the print method, puts will display the elements in an array, each element per line.

To iterate over the elements in an array, you can use each# function. Take the example below:

myarray = [1,2,3,4,5,6]

myarray.each {|i| puts i}

The above example will return each item in the array.

Another example when iterating over an array is to use a simple for loop. Consider the example shown below:

myarray = [1,2,3,4,5,6]

for i in myarray

    puts i


Similar to each# method, the for loop above will return each item in the array.

How to Update Ruby Array Elements

You can update the values in a Ruby array by performing various actions. For example, you can sort them, add a new item, reverse the elements, and many more.

Let us discuss a few examples of updating an existing array in Ruby.

To add a new item to the array, you can use the push method as:

captains = [

    "James Kirk",

    "William Riker",

    "Christopher Pike",

    "Jonathan Archer"


captains.push("Jean-Luc Picard")

The push method will take the provided value and append it at the end of the array.


print captains

["James Kirk", "William Riker", "Christopher Pike", "Jonathan

, "Jean-Luc Picard"]

To add a new element at the beginning of the array, you can use the unshift method as:

captains.unshift("Kathryn Janeway")

print captains

=>["Kathryn Janeway", "James Kirk", "William Riker", "Christopher Pike", "Jonathan Archer"]

Suppose you want to modify the element in an array stored at a specific index? To do this, you can use the assignment operator.

Consider the example below:

captains[0] = "Carol Freeman"

print captains

["Carol Freeman", "William Riker", "Christopher Pike", "Jonathan Archer"]

In the example above, we select the element at the index of 0 and reassign a new value.

How to Delete Array Elements In Ruby

Ruby provides you with various ways to remove elements in an array. Such methods include:

Using pop# method

To remove the last element in an array, use the pop method. Consider the example shown below:

captains = [

    "James Kirk",

    "William Riker",

    "Christopher Pike",

    "Jonathan Archer"



print captains

The pop method takes the last element in the array and deletes it as shown in the resulting array:

["James Kirk", "William Riker", "Christopher Pike"]

Using shift# method

The shift method is similar to the pop method. However, it removes the first element in the array as shown:

captains = [

    "James Kirk",

    "William Riker",

    "Christopher Pike",

    "Jonathan Archer"



print captains

The shit method removes the element at index 0 as shown:

["William Riker", "Christopher Pike", "Jonathan Archer"]

Using delete_at# method

If you want to remove an array at a specific index, you can use the delete_at method. It takes the index position as the argument.

Consider the example below:

captains = [

    "James Kirk",

    "William Riker",

    "Christopher Pike",

    "Jonathan Archer"



print captains

The above example removes the element stored at index 2 of the array. The resulting value is:

["James Kirk", "William Riker", "Jonathan Archer"]

Using delete# method

The delete method accepts an array value and removes it from the specified array. For example:

captains = [

    "James Kirk",

    "William Riker",

    "Christopher Pike",

    "Jonathan Archer"


captains.delete("William Riker")

print captains

Unlike delete_at, the delete method accepts an actual value of the array.

Using Subtract and Assignment operator

The subtract and assignment operator expressed as -= can remove an element from an array.

Consider the example shown below:

captains = [

    "James Kirk",

    "William Riker",

    "Christopher Pike",

    "Jonathan Archer"


captains -= ["Christopher Pike"]

print captains

The example above specifies the element to remove inside a pair of square brackets.

Using delete_if# method

The delete_if method accepts a conditional and removes all the elements in the array that do not meet the specified condition.

Take the example below:

captains = [

    "James Kirk",

    "William Riker",

    "Christopher Pike",

    "Jonathan Archer"


captains.delete_if { |i| i.length <11}

print captains

The method takes a block and evaluates each element for a matching case. If the value does not meet the set conditions, the method removes it.

The resulting value is:

["William Riker", "Christopher Pike", "Jonathan Archer"]

Final Thoughts

In this guide, we discussed CRUD operations when working with arrays in Ruby. It is good to note that this tutorial does not exhaust all the methods and techniques for CRUD operations when working with Ruby arrays.

Thank you for reading!

About the author

John Otieno

My name is John and am a fellow geek like you. I am passionate about all things computers from Hardware, Operating systems to Programming. My dream is to share my knowledge with the world and help out fellow geeks. Follow my content by subscribing to LinuxHint mailing list