
Containerize a Ruby Application Using Dockerfile

In this detailed tutorial, we will walk you through the process of Dockerizing a basic Ruby application. This will provide you with the fundamental building blocks on the tools and features to use when you need to containerize a Ruby application.


To follow along with this tutorial, ensure that you have the following tools and resources:

  1. Docker Engine version 23 and above
  2. Installed Ruby interpreter on the host machine
  3. Network connectivity to download the Docker images
  4. Sufficient permissions to run and use Docker on the host machine

With the given requirements met, let us proceed with the tutorial.

Create a Ruby App

The first step is setting up the Ruby application that we wish to containerize. For simplicity, we build a basic HTTP server using Ruby which returns a basic “Hello world”.

Create the directory to the store the code and navigate into the directory:

mkdir hello_http
cd hello_http

In the project directory, create a file to store the source code. You can name this file with any appropriate name.

$ touch main.rb

Next, edit the “main.rb” file and store the source code for your application. In our case, the example code is as follows:

require 'webrick'

server = 2030)

server.mount_proc '/' do |req, res|

res.content_type = 'text/plain'

res.body = 'Hello World from Docker'


trap('INT') { server.shutdown }


The given example code uses the webrick library which is included in the Ruby ecosystem by default to create a basic HTTP server that runs on port 2030.

Setup the Dockerfile

Once we have the application ready and configured, we can proceed and setup the Dockerfile. This defines all the instructions on how we wish the container to run.

Create a Dockerfile in the project directory:

$ touch Dockerfile

Next, edit the file and add the build instructions as follows:

FROM ruby:3.3.0


COPY main.rb .


CMD ["ruby", "main.rb"]

In this case, we use the Dockerfile to specify that we wish to use the Ruby image version 3.3.0 and set the working directory to “/app”. We then copy the “main.rb” script to the working directory.

We also expose port 2030 to allow us to access the HTTP server. To ensure that the server starts when the container is run, we use the CMD instruction and pass the “main.rb” file.

Build the Docker Image

We can now proceed and build the image from the Dockerfile. We can use the “docker build” command as follows:

docker build -t ruby-http-server .

This command tells Docker to build an image named “ruby-http-server” using the current directory as the build context.

Run the Docker Container

Once we successfully built the image, we can create a container from the image as shown in the following command:

docker run -p 2030:2030 ruby-http-server

The previous command should create a new container using the previously created image and map port 2030 on the container to port 2030 on the host machine.

To test whether the web server is working, we can make an HTTP request to the container address as follows:

$ curl http://localhost:2030

This should print the message that is defined in the “main.rb” file.


In this post, we covered the fundamentals of containerizing a Ruby application using the Dockerfile and the official Ruby image.

About the author

John Otieno

My name is John and am a fellow geek like you. I am passionate about all things computers from Hardware, Operating systems to Programming. My dream is to share my knowledge with the world and help out fellow geeks. Follow my content by subscribing to LinuxHint mailing list