
How to round up and round down a Number in MATLAB

In numerical computations, precision is paramount. MATLAB, a powerful programming language widely used in scientific and engineering domains, offers various tools to manipulate and round numbers. Rounding numbers helps to simplify calculations, enhance readability, and maintain accuracy. In this tutorial, we will explore how to round up and round down numbers in MATLAB, providing you with the knowledge to wield these rounding techniques effectively.

Rounding in MATLAB

Rounding entails modifying a number to align with the closest designated value, which could be the nearest integer or decimal position. MATLAB provides two primary rounding functions: ceil () and floor (). These functions allow you to round up and round down a number, respectively.

1: Rounding Up a Number using ceil()

The ceil() function in MATLAB performs rounding by raising a number to the closest integer that is greater than or equal to the input value, its syntax is as follows:

Num= ceil(a);

Here, “a” represents the number you want to round up, and Num is the result of the rounding operation.


Suppose we have a variable named “Num” with a value of 7.9 and to round up this number to the nearest integer, we can utilize the ceil() function as demonstrated below:

Num = 7.9;

Rounded_Up = ceil(Num);



2: Rounding Down a Number using floor()

In MATLAB, rounding down a number down to the nearest integer less than or equal to the given number can be achieved by using the floor () function, whose syntax is given below:

Num = floor(a);

Similar to the ceil() function, “a” represents the number you want to round down, and Num is the rounded result.


Consider a variable Num assigned a value of 15.9. To round down this number to the nearest integer, we can employ the floor() function, as demonstrated below:

Num = 15.9;

Rounded_Anyway = floor(Num);



A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated with low confidence


Accurate numerical computations are crucial in many scientific and engineering disciplines. MATLAB provides the ceil() and floor() functions to facilitate rounding up and rounding down of numbers, respectively.

About the author

Aaliyan Javaid

I am an electrical engineer and a technical blogger. My keen interest in embedded systems has led me to write and share my knowledge about them.