
How to Reverse a String in MATLAB

Reversing a string is the process of changing the order of the characters in such a way that your last character in the string becomes the first character, while the second-to-last character becomes the second character, and so on. Reversing a string is useful, especially for message encrypting and decrypting purposes. In MATLAB, it can be beneficial for searching patterns in text, generating random strings, and much more.

Read this guide to reverse a string in MATLAB.

How to Reverse a String in MATLAB?

In MATLAB, you can reverse a string:

1: Reverse a String in MATLAB Using Built-in Functions

MATLAB has some built-in functions that make it easy to reverse a string; these functions are:

  • reverse() Function
  • flip() Function
  • fliplr() Function

1.1: Reverse a String in MATLAB Using reverse() Function

The reverse() is a built-in MATLAB function used for reversing a string in your code; this function accepts the string as an argument and reverses it.

The following example shows reversing a string in MATLAB using the reverse() function.

String= 'linuxhint'
Reverse_String = reverse(String)

1.2: Reverse a String in MATLAB Using flip() Function

You can also use the flip() function in MATLAB to easily reverse a string, this function works similarly to reverse() function by taking the string as an argument and returning the reversed string as an output.

For example:

String= 'linuxhint'
Reverse_String = flip(String)

1.3: Reverse a String in MATLAB Using flipr() Function

The flipr() is another useful built-in MATLAB function that you can use to reverse a string; this function flips the string from left to right and is beneficial for string manipulation tasks.

For example:

String= 'linuxhint'
Reverse_String = fliplr(String)

2: Reverse a String in MATLAB Using end Keyword

The end keyword in MATLAB refers to the last element in a vector or array and you can use this keyword to reverse a string by iterating through the characters in the string backward, starting from the end.

For example:

String = 'linuxhint';
Reversed_String = String(end:-1:1)

3: Reverse a String in MATLAB Using for Loop

The for loop is another useful way to reverse a string in MATLAB, however, this method is a mixture of both for loop and end method. You have to initialize a string, create a second-string variable and initialize it with an empty value; then use the for loop and inside the loop to use the end keyword to iterate through the characters in the string variable. You can then assign the new value of the string variable to the reverse string variable.

For example:

String = 'linuxhint'
str = [];
for i = 1:length(String)
str = [str, String(end-i+1)];
Reverse_String = str


Reversing a string in MATLAB can be done using built-in functions like reverse(), flip(), and fliplr(). Further, you can also use the end keyword and for loop to reverse a string in MATLAB code. A detailed explanation of all these methods is already provided in the above-given guidelines that help you use any of the methods to reverse a string in MATLAB.

About the author

Awais Khan

I'm an Engineer and an academic researcher by profession. My interest for Raspberry Pi, embedded systems and blogging has brought me here to share my knowledge with others.