
PostgreSQL Comment

Commenting is a crucial part of code documentation and plays a vital role in all programming languages. It is no different in database environments. Comments allow us to provide additional information and context about code or various database objects.

In PostgreSQL, we can use the comments to document the SQL scripts or various database objects such as tables, views, functions, triggers, etc. This makes it easier for developers and administrators to understand what each object entails and how to manage them.

This tutorial explores the various types of comments in the PostgreSQL server and discusses how we can create and view them.

PostgreSQL Single Line Comments

The most common type of comment is a single-line comment. Single-line comments allow us to add short descriptions or annotations to an SQL script. A single-line comment can only span until the end of the line.

Once the PostgreSQL server encounters a single-line comment, it ignores it and omits it in the execution.

In PostgreSQL, we can create the single-line comments using a double-dash symbol followed by the comment text as shown in the following:

-- this comment will span till the end of the line.

The following shows a valid single-line comment in an SQL statement:

-- add table 'employees'
create table employees(
    id serial primary key,
    name varchar(100) not null,
    age int,
    department varchar(100)

Once PostgreSQL encounters the previous query, it ignores the first line.

We can use the single-line comments to prevent SQL from executing a specific block.

PostgreSQL Multi-Line Comments

The second common type of comment is known as multi-line comments. Unlike a single-line comment, a multi-line comment can span multiple lines which allow you to add more detailed explanations.

In PostgreSQL, we can create multi-line comments by enclosing the comment contents using the following symbols /* */

Anything between the given symbols is considered a comment and is ignored by the PostgreSQL server.

The following shows an example of a multi-line comment in PostgreSQL:

This query creates a table named "employees" with the following columns:

"id" is a serial primary key, automatically generating unique IDs.
"name" as a varchar(100) column, which stores the name of the employee and cannot be null.
"age" as an integer column, which stores the age of the employee.
"department" as a varchar(100) column, which stores the department of the employee.
This table is designed to store employee information within the database.
create table employees(
    id serial primary key,
    name varchar(100) not null,
    age int,
    department varchar(100)

As you can see, multi-line comments allow us to give a detailed information about a query.

PostgreSQL Comment on Database Objects

PostgreSQL allows us to create comments to various database objects besides single-line and multi-line comments.

These are incredibly useful as they are stored as part of the database object which allows us to query the comment.

In PostgreSQL, we can use the COMMENT clause to add a comment to a database object. The syntax is as follows:


For example, suppose we have a table called “users.” We can add a comment to the table as shown in the following:

COMMENT ON TABLE users IS 'Stores user information.';

This should add a comment to the “users” table.

Viewing the Object Comments

To view the comment information, we can run the following query:

SELECT description FROM pg_description WHERE objoid = 'users'::regclass;

The given query should query the system’s catalog table and fetch the comment that is associated with the specified database object.

We can also use the “\d” command in the psql shell.

Editing the Object Comments

We can update an existing comment using the ALTER TABLE or ALTER FUNCTION clause. For example, to update the comment in the “users” table, we can run the following:

COMMENT ON TABLE users IS 'stores user information (update).';

Removing the Object Comments

To remove a comment from a given database object, we can set its value to NULL as demonstrated in the following:


For example, to remove the comment from the “users” table, we can run the following:


There you have it!


This tutorial explores the various types of comments in the PostgreSQL server and their role. We also covered the PostgreSQL COMMENT command to add comments to different database objects.

About the author

John Otieno

My name is John and am a fellow geek like you. I am passionate about all things computers from Hardware, Operating systems to Programming. My dream is to share my knowledge with the world and help out fellow geeks. Follow my content by subscribing to LinuxHint mailing list