
Posgtres Table Inheritance

PostgreSQL table inheritance allows us to create a hierarchy of tables where the child tables inherit the structure and properties of the parent table. Table inheritance is a handy feature, especially when you have multiple tables with similar attributes and you wish to organize them safely and effectively.

In this tutorial, we will explore the role of table inheritance in PostgreSQL, how to create them, and the other operations that we can perform on them.

Create a Parent Table in PostgreSQL

When working with table inheritance, the root of it all is the parent table. The parent table serves as the template for all the child tables from which they can inherit the structure and properties.

The parent table defines the common attributes that are shared across the child tables.

Consider the following example that creates a parent table called “vehicles”:

CREATE TABLE vehicles (


brand VARCHAR(100),

model VARCHAR(100),

year INT


The previous query sets up a basic table with three columns: id, brand, model, and year.

Create a Child Table in PostgreSQL

Once we define the template or parent table, we then create the child tables from it. Each child table can have additional columns that are specific to it. These private attributes are limited to that child table while it inherits the other columns from the parent table.

Consider the following example queries that create two child tables:


wheels INT

) INHERITS (vehicles);


gears INT

) INHERITS (vehicles);

We create two tables in the previous queries. The “cars” column has an additional column called “wheels”, while the “bikes” table has an extra column called “gears”. Both child tables inherit the parent table’s id, brand, model, and year columns.

Insert a Data Into the Child Tables

Once we define the child tables, we can use the standard SQL INSERT statements to add the data to them, as demonstrated in the following example:

INSERT INTO cars (brand, model, year, wheels)

VALUES ('Ford', 'Mustang', 2022, 4);

INSERT INTO bikes (brand, model, year, gears)

VALUES ('Trek', 'Mountain Bike', 2021, 10);

This should insert a single row to the “cars” and “bikes” tables.

Query the Child and Parent Tables

As you can guess, we can use a typical select statement to select the data from both parent and child tables.

SELECT * FROM vehicles;

This should query the parent table and return the output as follows:

You can also query the individual child tables as follows:


SELECT * FROM bikes;

To query the parent table and all child tables, we can use a union query as shown in the following example:

SELECT id, brand, model, year, wheels, NULL AS gears, NULL AS frame_size

FROM cars


SELECT id, brand, model, year, NULL AS wheels, gears, NULL AS frame_size

FROM bikes;

In this case, we explicitly specify the columns for each SELECT statement and add the NULL values for the missing columns in each table. This way, all queries in the union have the same number of columns that allow the union to run successfully.

NOTE: Similar to regular tables, you can use the ALTER TABLE and ALTER COLUMN statements to modify the table properties and columns. You can also use the DROP COLUMN clause to remove the columns from the child and parent tables.

Constraints and Indexes in Table Inheritance

In the case of constraints and indexes, PostgreSQL table inheritance allows us to define the constraints and indexes on both parent and child tables.

ALTER TABLE vehicles

ADD CONSTRAINT unique_model UNIQUE (model);

The given example query adds a UNIQUE constraint to the parent table.

Detach the Inheritance

Once you are done with the table inheritance and you wish the tables to stand as individual tables, you can use the ALTER TABLE with the NO INHERIT option as follows:


NO INHERIT vehicles;

This detaches the table and allows it to identify as a standalone table.


You learned how to work with the PostgreSQL table inheritance to inherit the structure and properties of the parent table. You also learned how to query the child and parent tables, modify the tables, and detach the child tables from the inheritance.

About the author

John Otieno

My name is John and am a fellow geek like you. I am passionate about all things computers from Hardware, Operating systems to Programming. My dream is to share my knowledge with the world and help out fellow geeks. Follow my content by subscribing to LinuxHint mailing list