
Postgres Add Days to Date

Dates are some of the most common data in databases as they play a crucial role in many applications and business operations. Whether tracking events, managing schedules, or calculating durations, working with dates is essential to data manipulation.

When working with PostgreSQL databases, you often encounter such scenarios where you need to add a specific number of days to a given date.

This tutorial explores the various methods and techniques of adding days to a given data in PostgreSQL. This can be helpful when you need to calculate the future or past dates quickly and efficiently using the date-based queries.

Setup a Test Table

If you do not yet have a date table, you can quickly create one as the following query provides:

CREATE TABLE test_dates (


date_col DATE


The previous statement creates a table called test_dates with id and date_col columns.

It is good to ensure that the target column contains the date types as PostgreSQL may raise an error using some of the methods that are discussed in this post.

Once we have the test table created, we can add some random data into the table as shown in the following:

INSERT INTO test_dates (date_col)

This should add the defined rows to the table and return the resulting table as shown in the following output:

Method 1: PostgreSQL Add Days to Date

PostgreSQL’s first and most common method of adding days to a date is using the addition operator with the INTERVAL keyword. The INTERVAL keyword allows us to specify the duration to add to the provided date value.

We can express this syntax as shown in the following:

SELECT date_column + INTERVAL 'n days' FROM table_name;

Replace the value of n with the number of days that you want to add.

Let us take the test_date table as an example. Suppose we wish to add five days to each of the rows in the col_date column.

We can run the query as shown in the following:

SELECT date_col + INTERVAL '5 days' as five_days_later FROM test_dates;

The previous clause adds five days to each of the provided date. This should return the table as shown in the following:

Method 2: PostgreSQL Add Days to Date

The second method is similar to the one that is previously described. However, instead of passing the days to add as a literal value, we define a variable and use the :: operator.

Consider the following example:

DO $$


days_to_add INTEGER := 7;

result_dates DATE[];


-- Add days to the date using the variable

result_dates := ARRAY(

SELECT date_col + (days_to_add::INTEGER || ' days')::INTERVAL

FROM test_dates


-- Display the result dates

RAISE NOTICE 'Result Dates: %', result_dates;

END $$;

This should return the dates from the input table with 7 days added.


We explored the two primary methods that you can use to add a specific number of days to a date column in PostgreSQL using the INTERVAL keyword. Feel free to modify the examples to fit your requirements.

About the author

John Otieno

My name is John and am a fellow geek like you. I am passionate about all things computers from Hardware, Operating systems to Programming. My dream is to share my knowledge with the world and help out fellow geeks. Follow my content by subscribing to LinuxHint mailing list